Daily Express

Pipeline block will ‘double gas price’

- By Michael Knowles

RUSSIA’S former president warned the West yesterday that European gas prices could double after Germany blocked the Nord Stream 2 pipeline project.

Dmitry Medvedev, now deputy chairman of the nation’s security council, tweeted: “Welcome to the brave new world where Europeans are very soon going to pay 2,000 euro for 1,000 cubic meters of natural gas!”

The freezing of Nord Stream 2 is one of the most significan­t anti-Moscow sanctions yet.

Russia’s ambassador to Germany, Sergei Nechaev, said he hoped it was a “temporary measure”, adding the pipeline was necessary “for the energy security of Europe”.

Gas prices are likely to rise in the longer term, as the West imposes economic sanctions on Vladimir Putin’s regime.

But analysts have warned Europe is so reliant on Russian gas, economic sanctions which hit supply will lead to “immediate” price increases. Gas prices rose nine per cent in the UK and 10 per cent in Europe after Germany halted the approval process for Nord Stream 2.

The pipeline is being built to deliver gas from Kremlin-controlled fields. Britain is much less directly reliant on Russian gas than continenta­l Europe, but is affected by higher prices in the global wholesale market.

Russia’s defence minister, Sergei Shoigu, claims Western sanctions will not have any impact, but Moscow diplomats have hinted they will hit hard.

Yesterday, experts warned Russia’s energy sector could be among the companies targeted in the next “tranche” of sanctions.

Jason Hungerford, of global law firm Mayer Brown, said: “Further restrictio­ns could be placed on dealing with major Russian companies in that part of the economy.”

 ?? ?? Warning...Mr Medvedev
Warning...Mr Medvedev

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