Daily Express

Breathe easy

Whether you want a mood boost or to sleep better, the answer could lie in your breathing, says wellness expert

- Niall O Murchu

We do it all day, and take it for granted. Yet breathing in certain ways has the power to boost mood, refocus attention and encourage a better night’s sleep. Studies show breathing from your diaphragm can improve cognitive function and reduce stress.

Post-pandemic, breathing techniques are now even being used in schools to help destress young pupils.

The best bit?

Anyone can have a go.

You want to… DESTRESS TRY: To exhale


Take a moment to settle into a comfortabl­e position, either sitting or lying down. Place your attention gently on your breath as it is now.

Don’t force or change it, just quietly pay attention to it for a moment.


On your next inhale, breathe in for three counts slowly, allowing the body to expand, before breathing out slowly for a count of six. Repeat this six times.


Bring your attention inwards. Do you notice a softening in the body? A little more space between your thoughts? If we breathe in this way five or six times, we start to feel different. Our vagus nerve starts moving us from fight or flight down into a state where we feel safe again. Our heart rate drops, and we regain a sense of calm and control.

You want to… SLEEP TRY: The wrestling match technique


As you breathe, allow your mind to follow your breath. Don’t worry about how you are breathing, just follow your breath with your attention.


Sounds easy – and it is, at the start. But after a few moments, you’ll notice your thoughts have spun off somewhere else completely. Each time it happens, bring your mind back to your breath.


Keep going. Watch your breath as you inhale and follow it gently as you exhale.

The reason this is called the wrestling match technique is that your attention will slip away from your breath and go running off into the distance with some other thought.

So, you have to gently wrestle your attention back and put it on the breath again.

You want to… FOCUS TRY: Holding position


Get into a physical position that you find hard to maintain – this could be a plank, standing on one leg, or holding yourself slightly off your chair with your hands.


Stay in the position and on your next inhale, breathe in for three counts. Stay focused.

Now breathe out for six, or for as long as you can. Perhaps you’ll feel your body shaking, feeling the pressure. Keep your attention on your breath.


Repeat, breathing in for three counts, and out for six. You’ll notice it’s hard for your attention to stay fixed on your breath. Find your exhale and focus on it.


Repeat once more then relax, allowing your body to breathe in whatever way feels best for you. Let your body and your breathing rest.

This is the key to being able to focus when we’re strained, tired, fearful, worried or under pressure.

You want to… BOOST YOUR MOOD TRY: Breathing to music


Pick three or four songs that you like. The idea is simple – you will play the music and breathe for the duration of the songs, so for roughly 10 minutes.


Click play and begin to breathe. Place your hands on your belly. Breathe in slowly and feel your belly gently expand, then breathe out with a sigh.

Breathe in gently again, feeling your belly rise and expand. Continue breathing to the peak of your inhale and then simply let it go. Repeat this twice more.


Continue to breathe in and up through the body to the peak of your inhale. Then exhale down to the bottom of your exhalation. So, your breath in is full and deep, your breath out is all the way out. Let go of any tension in the body.


Keep going until the music ends. Try to enjoy each and every breath.

■■Blissful breath by Niall O Murchu (£14.99, Hardie Grant) is out now

Our heart rate drops and we regain a sense of calm and control

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