Daily Express

P&O sued for £76m by chef ‘sacked over being British’

- By Sarah O’Grady

A SACKED P&O Ferries chef is suing for £76million, claiming he was ousted because he is British.

John Lansdown, 39, is the only seafarer taking tribunal action after nearly 800 P&O workers were dismissed without notice last month.

He is alleging race bias saying P&O replaced staff with non-British crew paid much less than the minimum wage.

He has filed against P&O and chief executive Peter Hebblethwa­ite and seeks financial compensati­on and exemplary damages of up to £76million.

In a statement, P&O Ferries said its job cuts were “categorica­lly not based on race or the nationalit­y of the staff involved”.

The company was widely criticised for making the seafarers redundant over Zoom on March 17.

Mr Lansdown said his action was about the “bigger picture”.

He added: “P&O could give a green light to other companies to do the same… this is not just about me.

Seven hundred and ninety nine of my seafaring family have lost their livelihood­s, their way of life, their homes for half the year.”

His action comes after criminal and civil investigat­ions were launched on April 1 into the sackings.

Business Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng said the Insolvency Service had started “formal criminal and civil investigat­ions”.

Mr Hebblethwa­ite last month admitted before a parliament­ary committee that P&O broke the law by not consulting with unions before the mass sackings.

The Government plans to ensure ferry firms operating in UK waters pay the minimum wage.

But the TUC yesterday warned that the plans will be unworkable in practice unless enforcemen­t powers are “significan­tly beefed up”.

P&O said “all but one” employees had accepted a settlement and had forfeited their right to legal action.

 ?? ?? Fired... Mr Lansdown
Fired... Mr Lansdown

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