Daily Express



JUST A few months ago Rishi Sunak was a very real threat to Boris’s leadership. Not anymore.

His chances of being PM are now finished thanks to a vicious smear campaign against his Indian-born wife Akshata by Labour and enemies in his own party.

Akshata has broken no laws. Her crime is that she’s very, very rich and has perfectly legitimate­ly claimed non-dom status in Britain.

But last night, thanks to the vitriol lobbed at her and her husband courtesy of his enemies, she said sheWILL pay UK taxes on her overseas income, even though the law does not require her to.

The weasel Starmer was first to pile in last week, using the cost of living crisis to suggest Mrs Sunak’s wealth, together with Rishi’s, is an insult to the millions struggling to pay his tax rises.

Then Ed Miliband joined the dogfight – the same man who screamed blue murder when his late Marxist father was being attacked because he’d said Brits were “rabid nationalis­ts”. At the time, Miliband said: “Politics cannot be fought in the gutter. A line has been crossed.”

But, hey, it’s OK for him to cross it and attack Sunak’s wife?

And it’s no coincidenc­e this all kicked off on the day the N.I. tax rises came into effect and Rishi’s enemies were using it to poison the well of public opinion. And they succeeded.

People are hurting and they’re looking for someone to blame, so they’re ripe to swallow claims of wrongdoing even though there hasn’t actually been any. Despite the fact Ms

Murty has caved into the bullies, it won’t save her husband from the buzzards now circling. They’ll find something else to discredit him.

It just all feels so very dirty – politician­s hounding a woman to destroy her husband.

“This shouldn’t be about wealth,” Sunak said this week while trying to defend his wife.“It should be about values.”

And he has them in spades, along with morals and principles – something the people currently trying to destroy him and his wife don’t have.

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