Daily Express

Eight dogs stolen a day in Britain

- By Ciaran McGrath

DOGNAPPERS are making French bulldogs and Jack Russells their number one targets as thefts of man’s best friend hit a devastatin­g high.

Around eight pets a day were stolen last year – taking the total to 2,760 and 13 per cent up on 2020’s 2,439.

Direct Line Pet Insurance said 2021 was the worst year yet for dog thefts since it began analysing rates in 2015.

Dognapping has been partly fuelled by the rise in ownership – and the animals’ values – since Covid. Sixteen million households now own a pooch – and 3.8 million got one during the pandemic. The number of stolen French bulldogs, which can sell for more than £3,000, soared 29 per cent last year, Jack Russells even more at 140 per cent.

Chihuahuas and pugs were also popular targets.

But thefts of Staffordsh­ire bull terriers, 2020’s top target, slid 88 per cent last year.

Cockapoo and puggle crosses also fell on the thieves’ hit list, from second in 2020 to 10th in 2021. Madeline Pike, of Direct Line, said: “It’s devastatin­g to see the numbers increase.”

She hopes a change in the law deeming the pets family members rather than property will deter thieves as they may face more severe punishment.


And she reminded owners to microchip their pets and avoid leaving them alone in public.

The insurance firm’s research discovered the Met Police recorded the most thefts last year at 422, followed by West Yorkshire’s 199 reports, and Kent’s 182. Dog owners in Lincs and Surrey were least likely to suffer the heartbreak of a stolen pet with 10 dogs taken apiece.

Leicesters­hire, Suffolk and South Wales had low numbers too. The police also revealed they are getting better at finding stolen mutts.

A record 617 were reunited with their owners in 2021, up from 519 in 2020. Norfolk police found the highest proportion, returning 25 out of 29 and Dorset retrieved 14 of 17.

 ?? Picture: GETTY ?? Top target...French bulldog, right, with a pug
Picture: GETTY Top target...French bulldog, right, with a pug

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