Daily Express

Man who died after leaping off bridge had been Tasered by police

- By Cyril Dixon

A MAN has died after leaping from a bridge into the River Thames moments after police officers Tasered him three times.

A disturbing video on social media showed a man in his 40s falling and writhing on Chelsea Bridge after being shocked by a Taser during a confrontat­ion with police.

He struggles to his feet and charges towards the bridge’s barriers while the officers give chase, before disappeari­ng over the parapet.

Met Police tried to rescue him and he was taken to hospital in a critical condition, where he died.


The unnamed man was said to have been armed with a screwdrive­r as he shouted at two officers on Saturday.

Yesterday, Steve Noonan, director of the Independen­t Office for Police Conduct, said investigat­ors had begun collecting evidence over his death.

He said: “We have spoken to the man’s family to express our sincere condolence­s and explain our involvemen­t. Investigat­ors have secured police body-worn video footage and initial accounts have been obtained

from the officers involved. The Taser has also been gathered and will be analysed. Investigat­ors have overseen forensic examinatio­n of the scene.”

It comes amid controvers­y over the use of Tasers by police.

Former Aston Villa footballer Dalian Atkinson died in 2016 after being Tasered for six times longer than normal. West Mercia PC Benjamin Monk was later jailed for his manslaught­er.

The Met was also criticised over the non-fatal Tasering of a girl aged 10.

Rapper Ryan Colaco said: “The Met Police got a lot to answer for as they used a Taser when it was completely unnecessar­y.”

But ex-officer and campaigner Norman Brennan said police “acted with calm restraint throughout”.

 ?? ?? Video footage shows police Tasering man
Video footage shows police Tasering man
 ?? ?? Tragedy...Chelsea Bridge where man died
Tragedy...Chelsea Bridge where man died

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