Daily Express

Light relief at last!


CAN a new broom taking charge in a business make all the difference and solve the building problems a customer has been struggling to get sorted for more than a year?

Homeowner George Gills and his wife have good reason to hope that’s the case, and the troubles dogging their new £24,000 conservato­ry will finally be dealt with.

George didn’t know how to break the deadlock when he asked Crusader for help a couple of weeks ago.

Extensions and conservato­ries installer Pennine Home Improvemen­ts built the couple’s longed-for garden room last spring. But after settling in full they soon found that the workmanshi­p had fallen short of expectatio­ns.

“The conservato­ry looked good... but within weeks problems appeared,” says George. “Work that we were told would be finished wasn’t. Skirting boards weren’t fitted, and there are door issues. The external ones are difficult to open and the folding ones make a loud shriek when you open or shut them. We are also seeing water coming from the ceiling from time to time.”

George claims he repeatedly contacted Pennine about the repairs, but found it very difficult even getting a response.

In February, the company finally sent a team to inspect the work. “When they left they told me to expect a resolution in April,” adds George.

“We had been fed up after spending a lot of money and this cheered us up. But since then it’s gone silent, so we’re still at square one.”

Crusader took up the matter and was heartened to hear that, coincident­ally, new management for customer services and aftercare had just been set up.

Pennine’s response was immediate and our hopes that this was a turning point, and the operationa­l changes would lead to swifter progress have been fulfilled.

After the couple’s conservato­ry was inspected again, George says: “Instead of all the verbal assurances in the past we have now got a commitment in writing.The repairs will take place in September.

“We still have to wait, but builders have a lot on their plates at present. They are going to check the water issue as this could be condensati­on.

“But at last we have something concrete. Thanks to Crusader and better customer services, we believe Pennine will do what’s needed.” The company has confirmed this.

 ?? Picture: GETTY ?? CONSERVATO­RIES and extensions involve major building work and the best come with decades-long guarantees. But it is vital customers check what is covered, for example the double glazing and doors, and by whom. It’s a good move prior to purchase to ask what is not covered too. Current labour and supply shortages are also having a bigger impact at present so get completion assurances in writing.
Picture: GETTY CONSERVATO­RIES and extensions involve major building work and the best come with decades-long guarantees. But it is vital customers check what is covered, for example the double glazing and doors, and by whom. It’s a good move prior to purchase to ask what is not covered too. Current labour and supply shortages are also having a bigger impact at present so get completion assurances in writing.

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