Daily Express

Boys can wear skirts to school... but not shorts

- By Andrew Young

ENRAGED parents are up in arms over a school uniform policy which allows boys to wear skirts in hot weather – but not shorts.

Head teacher Jonathan Rockey says he is proud of the new dress code at 1,705-pupil Wymondham High Academy in Norfolk.

The changes were introduced after complaints that boys had to wear long trousers in high heat.

Parents had called for a relaxation to allow them to wear shorts instead during the summer.

The school agreed to review its uniform rules, but introduced a “gender neutral” policy, permitting boys and girls to wear trousers or skirts – and neither to wear shorts.

But the move – which starts next term – has been branded crazy by many mums and dads.

One outraged parent, who asked not to be named, described it as “insane”. The parent added: “The school appears to be deaf to parents clearly voicing concerns.” Another said: “We have been repeatedly asking year after year for shorts to be added to the uniform.

“This is because girls can currently wear a skirt in the summer but boys have to wear trousers all year around.

“Every summer boys have found the heat hard to bear and so there have been repeated requests for shorts for both genders. Offering a skirt as an option is not gender neutral.

“It would be gender neutral to offer both boys and girls the option of a skirt or shorts. A skirt is an item of clothing associated with girls.” The new policy was introduced after more than 400 parents took part in a survey, with a large number calling for a summer uniform at the school, rated “good” by Ofsted in 2017.

It produced two changes – allowing boys and girls to wear trousers or skirts, and requiring girls to wear ties as well as boys. The new rules have also been slammed on social media with people describing them as “ridiculous” and “disgusting”.

On the school website Mr Rockey wrote: “All pupils will have the choice to wear either a grey school skirt or grey school trousers.

“This designatio­n of a genderneut­ral dress code is nothing more than ensuring that clothing choices are equal, regardless of gender.”

He added: “Changing everything about our uniform in one go, especially with the current financial concerns, would not be sensible so we are able to stage changes over time.

“We will, from September, have a gender-neutral dress code which is something we are very proud of.”

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