Daily Express

Sky high fuel duty is the real threat for working people

- Tim Newark Political commentato­r

RAISING the National Insurance (NI) threshold this week could save £330 a year for some 30 million workers and help ease the cost-of-living crisis for them. This is just the kind of practical tax cutting this nation needs to get back on its feet. The change means people will only start paying NI over £12,570 and is, in effect, “the single biggest tax cut in a decade,” says Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

It comes at a time of deep concern for millions of people as inflation looks set to surge towards 11 per cent by the end of the year. Crippling energy price rises are the root cause of this economic mayhem and it’s no surprise that main routes in Britain were paralysed earlier this week by fed-up drivers forming slow-moving convoys along several motorways.

Unlike the madcap “Just Stop Oil” protesters who glued themselves to a Constable painting in the National Gallery on Monday, this week’s GoSlow fuel protesters have a very valid point to make – that government could directly help with the cost-of-living crisis by slashing government fuel duty, just as has been done elsewhere in Europe.

SPOUTING alarmist nonsense that “oil extraction will lead to widespread crop failures which means we will be fighting for food,” the eco-protester students want to make our current energy crisis even worse by ending new oil and gas licences.

In contrast, the Go-Slow protesters are drawing attention to the practical efforts government could make to reducing spiralling fuel prices that directly feeds into wage and food inflation. The Government currently takes 44 per cent per litre in fuel duty and VAT at petrol pumps. So for every £100 tank of fuel paid, £44 goes to the government.

Rishi Sunak’s recent 5 pence per litre reduction in fuel duty went nowhere near helping drivers enough. EU counties have been far more proactive. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has slashed petrol tax by 30 euro cents per litre and 14 cents for diesel. Ireland has cut petrol tax by 20 cents per litre and 15 cents on diesel.

“The Treasury knows full well, petrol and especially diesel prices at the pumps, critically affect inflation, logistics, business viability, jobs, and GDP,” says Howard Cox, founder of FairFuelUK. “It is morally wrong that the Exchequer benefits from a lucky increase in oil prices.”

In comparison, Spanish drivers pay 30p less per litre of diesel and France 10p per litre less.

British drivers have long paid the highest level of fuel duty in Europe and with prices so high this acts as a direct drag on growth, making delivery and infrastruc­ture costs so much higher for businesses which then feeds into retail price rises.

Just as Boris is reducing the National Insurance threshold to help families, it is in the Government’s own interest to reduce fuel duty as the most efficient way of cutting day-to-day costs for Britons.

It is also vital they ignore the head-in-the-clouds “Just Stop Oil” protesters and get busy sourcing our own oil and gas. US gasoline prices per litre ($1.346) are almost half the UK price per litre of $2.326 because until recently the USA has appreciate­d the importance of being energy independen­t.

This has only been exacerbate­d by the war in Ukraine and now the most commonsens­e policy for the UK government is to actively source its own fossil fuel. Keeping the environmen­t clean and unpolluted costs money and the best way to pay for that is out of a growing economy. Fear of the green lobby resulted in a 2019 moratorium on shale gas that could, if reversed and only 10 per cent was tapped, make the UK self-sufficient in natural gas for 50 years.

IT IS only to be hoped that a report on the safety of fracking, expected this week, will give business secretary Kwasi Kwarteng the confidence to reverse this decision and encourage our own industry to generate more energy at cheaper prices. The prize of creating 70,000 high-skilled jobs and putting an end to our energy crisis will surely do more to encourage Red Wall voters to stick with the Conservati­ves rather than chance a Labour Party ideologica­lly committed to net-zero whatever the cost.

I would rather trust the judgment of working people, including hard-pressed delivery drivers, taking part in the Go-Slow protests than the airy-fairy views of students gluing themselves to paintings.

One is offering a commonsens­e approach to our cost-ofliving crisis and the other just wants us to rush towards the cliff edge of a green nirvana.

‘They just want us to rush towards the cliff edge of a green nirvana’

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 ?? ?? STICKING POINT: Protesters glued to John Constable’s iconic Hay Wain at the National Gallery
STICKING POINT: Protesters glued to John Constable’s iconic Hay Wain at the National Gallery

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