Daily Express

Five teens guilty of killing dad as he headed home

- By Tom Wilkinson

A TEENAGER has been convicted of murder and four others found guilty of manslaught­er after they subjected a dad to a brutal, sustained attack as he walked home with his partner.

They joked that Danny Humble, 35, looked like the TV presenter Ant McPartlin moments before attacking him on May 28 last year.

Danny had been out for a meal and drinks with Adele Stubbs in Cramlingto­n, Northumber­land, after lockdown rules were relaxed, Newcastle Crown Court heard.

The teenagers surrounded him near an underpass, repeatedly kicked him on the floor and left him with a “catastroph­ic” head injury from which he would not recover, jurors were told.


Former soldier Alistair Dickson, 18, of Blyth, Northumber­land, was convicted of murder after jurors heard that he stamped on Danny’s head. The jury cleared his co-defendants of murder but found them guilty of manslaught­er.

They were 18-year-olds Ethan Scott, of Blyth, Kyros Robinson, from Seaton Delaval, Bailey Wilson, of Blyth, and a 17-year-old who cannot be identified.

The court heard the couple took the Ant and Dec comment in good humour, but shortly after Danny tried to punch one of the teens before he was knocked to the floor.

Mr Justice Bennathan told the defendants “significan­t custodial” terms will follow when they are sentenced at a later date.

Danny’s mum Deborah said: “On May 29, 2021, my life turned black.

Danny had dropped his children off, then seven and five, for a sleepover. He and his partner were going on their first date since lockdown restrictio­ns had eased.

“Danny and the children were laughing, singing and joking. They were talking about plans for the next week, half-term.

“He kissed and hugged us, gave a wave, then jokingly came back for another. Hours later, police were at the door and my memory turns to black after that.”

Danny’s dad Vaughan added: “We will never again hear his

laughter, witness his love of life or that dazzling six-million-dollar smile. He was a beautiful, happy and contented person, loved and respected by all.

“What we see, in the minutes before we sleep at night and when we wake in the morning, are the dreadful images and scenes of Danny being attacked and, when defenceles­s, being punched, kicked and stamped to death.”

Earlier in the trial Izaak Little, 18, of Blyth, and a 17-year-old defendant were cleared at the direction of the judge.

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 ?? ?? Attackers...Dickson, Wilson, Scott, Robinson set upon Danny Humble
Attackers...Dickson, Wilson, Scott, Robinson set upon Danny Humble
 ?? ?? ‘Six-million-dollar smile’...Danny
‘Six-million-dollar smile’...Danny

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