Daily Express

A vile act of protest


WE WILL always defend the right of people to make their views known, however much we may disagree with them. It is a fundamenta­l tenet of democracy.

But some protests are so vile and selfish that they beggar belief. Those members of Extinction Rebellion who glue themselves to busy roads, stopping people going about their daily lives or, even more insidious, preventing them from seeking emergency medical treatment, are a case in point.

So, too, is the grotesque spectacle of a young eco-warrior pouring human excrement over a Captain Sir Tom Moore memorial.

Maddie Budd, 21, was acting on behalf of End UK Private Jets – but her shameless protest will have done nothing to further the organisati­on’s cause.

Captain Tom raised millions for the NHS in the run-up to his 100th birthday and he earned the respect of the whole nation. Anyone who is prepared to resort to a filthy stunt such as the one perpetrate­d by Ms Budd is beneath contempt.

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