Daily Express

Proof the police are a law unto themselves


DESPITE police having been told by Home Secretary Suella Braverman to stop wasting time on Twitter spats, officers in Guildford excelled themselves in their stupidity this week by pushing their way into the home of a Catholic priest’s wife after she’d had a social media row with a trans activist.

Caroline Farrow, who has said she believes a person’s gender is biological – a view shared by great swathes of the country – was cooking roast chicken for husband Robin and their five kids when she opened the front door to coppers who burst in without a warrant, seized her devices together with her autistic daughter’s homework iPad and demanded passwords.

Then, in front of her children, they frisked her, searched her socks for drugs (eh?) and then took her to the local nick where she was interrogat­ed for several hours. She says she was accused of posting memes that have nothing to do with her.

Well, it shouldn’t take long to prove that if the cops have her devices and it’s to be hoped Surrey Police make it known what they find very soon.

However, I’m wondering if the trans woman who made the allegation­s against Mrs Farrow has also had her devices looked at to see what, if any, insults she may have posted to people like Caroline who fundamenta­lly disagree with her – as they’re perfectly entitled to. Disagreein­g with the trans ideology doesn’t make you a criminal.

Or maybe in Guildford it does? Surrey Police has one of the worst clearup rates in Britain. In the year ending March 2022, the number of crimes solved plummeted by 20 per cent. So while they were interrogat­ing Caroline Farrow for hours, muggers and robbers were running amok.

And this is happening in police forces all over Britain that seem to have forgotten their job is to fight actual crime.

The pathetic defence by Detective Chief Inspector David Bentley was: “When we receive an allegation of a crime – in this case where a grossly offensive message is said to have been communicat­ed – it’s our job to assess it.”

Well, you can assess it matey without dragging a priest’s wife out of the family home in front of her kids, searching her for drugs and then keeping her in a cell for hours. Why couldn’t she have been questioned at home?

Britain isn’t a police state but it’s starting to feel like it is. So what if Caroline had a row with a trans woman on Twitter. Have those cops seen some of the vile stuff trans activists post to people who dare to disagree with them?

What about the recent case of trans campaigner Carly-May Kavanagh, who screamed at a father carrying his baby that he was a fascist because he was supporting a march for women’s rights. She also screamed into his baby’s face that he was breeding a “little fascist” as well. Was she arrested? Was she hell!

What about the vile death threats JK Rowling has received from trans groups for daring to support women’s sexbased rights?

Sadly, this disgusting behaviour happens every day. It’s just a pity the idiot coppers in Guildford – and those in forces all over the land – don’t put as much effort into catching suspected rapists and robbers as they do into social media “crimes”.

If it turns out Caroline committed no crime then Suella Braverman must personally intervene. We cannot have police officers behaving like the Stasi or police chiefs burnishing their “inclusive” credential­s at the expense of ordinary people who they should be protecting but aren’t, because they’re spending too much time on rubbish like this.

If Caroline Farrow didn’t do what she’s being accused of there must be a public apology and an interventi­on from the Home Secretary insisting, not asking, that police butt out of Twitter spats. Or else.

I remember a time when our police were among the most respected members of our society and it breaks my heart that reputation is being lost because top cops are putting “inclusivit­y” above protecting people.

 ?? Picture: GETTY ?? RUMOURS abound that one of the world’s top models, Gisele Bundchen, and her gorgeous American football star husband, Tom Brady, are to divorce. There are apparently tensions between the couple, who’ve been married 13 years, because Brady, 45, who looks like a model himself, refused to retire.
Well he did for just 40 days, but said he missed the game so much he came back. Gisele, 42, isn’t happy. But why? She hasn’t retired from modelling so why should he retire from a job he loves, is incredibly good at and earns £75million a year for?
Picture: GETTY RUMOURS abound that one of the world’s top models, Gisele Bundchen, and her gorgeous American football star husband, Tom Brady, are to divorce. There are apparently tensions between the couple, who’ve been married 13 years, because Brady, 45, who looks like a model himself, refused to retire. Well he did for just 40 days, but said he missed the game so much he came back. Gisele, 42, isn’t happy. But why? She hasn’t retired from modelling so why should he retire from a job he loves, is incredibly good at and earns £75million a year for?

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