Daily Express

MPs launch 10-point plan to counter ‘attacks on nature’

- By Steph Spyro

A 10-POINT plan to restore and protect the climate as well as repel “attacks on nature” has been launched by MPs.

It calls for more public funding to decarbonis­e agricultur­e, cutting VAT on vehicle charging points from 20 to five per cent and restoring 30 per cent of UK saltmarshe­s and seagrass meadows by 2030.

Businesses, mayors and MPs will join forces today to set out how the UK can fulfil net zero pledges by 2050, plus promises to restore nature by 2030.

The environmen­t all-party parliament­ary group’s plan follows a nationwide net zero tour in defence of eco-policies.

Caroline Lucas, Green MP and environmen­t group vice chair, said: “The UK has become one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world.

“If we are to halt and reverse the perilous decline in nature and destructio­n of wildlife, then the targets set under the Environmen­t Act must not only be credible and comprehens­ive but, crucially, delivered. With the vitally important global summit of COP15 now around the corner, this is our moment to protect and restore nature for generation­s to come.

“Not only must our Prime Minister attend this summit, but our UK delegation must come to the table ready to take serious action both at home and on the world stage.”

The plan offers a suite of policy options, from floating offshore wind to insulating homes.

It recommends ambitious nature restoratio­n targets and an Office for Carbon Removal to regulate offsetting.

Beccy Speight, boss of Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, said: “Tackling the nature and climate crisis needs strong and bold global leadership but this must start at home.

“The simple fact is that without ambitious and long-term targets for nature’s recovery, the Government can’t possibly deliver on its own promises.

“Investing in and growing our network of protected areas, and making sure they are maintained and enhanced for wildlife and people, is an essential step and one that mustn’t be delayed or discarded.”

Barney Wharton, at ecoenergy trade body Renewable UK, said: “To achieve a zerocarbon energy system by 2035, the Government needs to start taking action today to drive investment in low-carbon firm and flexible power.

“Firm commitment­s drove coal off the system, and now we need to see similar action across the rest of the energy sector.”

The MP environmen­t group’s chair Chris Skidmore is exploring how to reach net zero while ensuring economic growth.

 ?? Picture: STEVE REIGATE ?? Eager… MP Anna Firth with members of the committee yesterday
Picture: STEVE REIGATE Eager… MP Anna Firth with members of the committee yesterday
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