Daily Express

Anderson gets my vote if he is going to deliver the killer blow


PNEW Conservati­ve deputy chairman Lee Anderson has been criticised by the usual suspects in the liberal lefty mainstream media for saying he supports the reintroduc­tion of the death penalty.

As it happens, I do too and – here’s something to get the bourgeois establishm­ent reaching for the smelling salts – in a recent poll a clear majority of the British public also supported the reintroduc­tion of the death penalty for serial killers.

There are two elements to the debate surroundin­g the death penalty.The first is whether or not it is an appropriat­e punishment for people who have killed others.As far as I am concerned, there is no doubt that if you have murdered someone, let alone many people, you should face the ultimate sanction.

How can it be right that you are allowed any life at all once you have murdered others? How can it be right or just that Peter Sutcliffe, the Yorkshire Ripper, was allowed to live after his disgusting reign of terror against women in the north?

The second, which has proved decisive for many, is what if you get the wrong person? The case of Timothy Evans was always held up as the clinching argument against the death penalty.

However, things have changed massively since then.We now have hugely advanced forensic science, more detailed DNA capability and much more CCTV.The chances of a wrongful conviction for murder now are incredibly remote, so given these advances in technology and detection surely the argument for the death penalty gets more, not less, compelling as each year goes by.

What makes keeping these killers alive even worse is that our lilylivere­d criminal justice system lets virtually all of them back out on the streets. Only around 50 people in our prisons are on whole-life tariffs – the rest will almost certainly be freed. Since the death penalty was abolished, around two people a year have been killed by convicted murderers who have been released from prison.

These are unnecessar­y deaths, and the do-gooders who advocate this system have blood on their hands. Indeed, a 10-year-old constituen­t of mine was abducted and raped by a convicted murderer who had been released.The death penalty would have spared that poor boy a horrific and unimaginab­le experience.

Those against the death penalty argue that they wouldn’t want a wrongful conviction on their conscience.Why do they prefer having what happened to my young constituen­t on their conscience instead? I certainly don’t.

I am with Lee Anderson, and the gnashing of teeth we have seen from the north London media types shows that they have learnt nothing from the Brexit referendum and remain hopelessly out of touch with a huge swathe of public opinion outside of their echo chamber.

 ?? ?? LIFELINE: Sutcliffe, below, was sent to Broadmoor hospital, left
LIFELINE: Sutcliffe, below, was sent to Broadmoor hospital, left
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