Daily Express



THERE is much to praise in Jeremy Hunt’s Budget.

He kept fuel duty frozen which will save households hundreds of pounds a year, while businesses stand to save thousands. It will also help with the Government’s plans to halve inflation.

The Budget embodied our commitment to support more people into work with extra help given with childcare costs. An anomaly that caused some doctors to retire rather than remain in practice was removed.

Benefits rose with inflation and the National Living Wage increased to record levels.

But despite its many welcome measures, the Budget missed opportunit­ies to go further and transform our economy into a global beacon of free trade and enterprise. To flourish and thrive, our businesses need a Government that will keep taxes down.

The rise in corporatio­n tax from 19 per cent to 25 per cent runs counter to our ambitions and risks deterring investment. Our leading businesses have spoken out against this increase and the Chancellor must keep it under review.

The Government must also rethink its commitment to implementi­ng a global minimum tax rate for multinatio­nal businesses.

We have been looking forward to using our independen­t sovereign economic policy to embrace the benefits of Brexit. But we are on course to have a minimum rate of corporate tax imposed on us through a deal done with the OECD two years ago when our attention was on tackling Covid.

This may deter investment and undermine policies such as enterprise zones and levelling up. With pressure on our economy, it is wrong to tie our hands, stifle our global standing and limit fiscal freedoms.

 ?? ?? Priti Patel
Priti Patel

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