Daily Express

Evil killer filmed dying stepson, 3

- By Paul Jeeves Crime Editor

AWOMAN who filmed her three-yearold stepson as he lay dying from a brain injury has been jailed for 15 years for manslaught­er.

Leila Borrington, 23, killed Harvey Borrington by slapping him “multiple times” around the head, a court heard.

In the months before he died, she launched two other attacks on the little boy – who suffered from severe non-verbal autism – leaving him with a broken arm and marks on his face.

And after she inflicted “unsurvivab­le” injuries, including a skull fracture, on Harvey in August 2021, Borrington delayed calling emergency services.

Instead, she filmed the tot lying unconsciou­s on his side, lifted his arm up and dropped it loosely to the floor.

She then sent the footage to the youngster’s dad, saying: “Why does this happen to me?”.

When paramedics were finally called to her home in Jacksdale, Notts, they found Harvey “deeply unconsciou­s” and “unresponsi­ve”. He died in hospital two days later.

Passing sentence at Nottingham Crown Court yesterday, Mr Justice Nicklin told Borrington her behaviour towards Harvey showed a “shocking lack of care and concern”.

He added: “During the trial we saw video footage of Harvey playing with his toys and placing items into the dishwasher.

“Within less than 30 minutes, further video footage showed Harvey unconsciou­s on the living room floor.

“Precisely what happened to Harvey only you know.”

But the judge said the cause of Harvey’s death “must have been a sustained violent assault”.

Borrington claimed Harvey was injured after he fell backwards off a sofa, but she was found guilty last month of manslaught­er and separate charges of assault and causing grievous bodily harm to Harvey, relating to incidents in April and July 2021.

Prosecutor Jonas Hankin KC claimed she targeted Harvey, who communicat­ed through hand gestures and a handful of words, because he was unable to tell anyone he was in pain.

Harvey’s heartbroke­n mum, Katie Holroyd, yesterday told the court he was “the most loving little boy anyone could have wished for”.

In her victim statement she added: “I cannot bear to think of him lying on the floor dying, with her filming him and delaying getting help.”

 ?? ?? Loving... Harvey – and evil Borrington
Loving... Harvey – and evil Borrington

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