Daily Express


- By Katie Harris Political Reporter

SIR Keir Starmer has been accused of “flip-flopping” after his U-turn on a pledge to abolish university tuition fees.

The Labour leader vowed to scrap the £9,250-a-year charges when he ran for the leadership in 2020. But yesterday he confirmed Labour is preparing to abandon the commitment. He blamed the nation’s economic woes.

He said: “We are looking at options for how we fund these fees. The current system is unfair, it doesn’t really work for students, doesn’t work for universiti­es.”

Sir Keir said the party would “set out a fairer solution” in the coming weeks. He added: “We are likely to move on from that commitment because we do find ourselves in a different financial situation.” Greg Hands mocked the Labour leader for his latest U-turn.

The Conservati­ve Party chairman said: “Sir Keir is back to what he does best – flip-flopping on a major issue.”


Conservati­ve MP Mark Jenkinson said: “Sir Flip-Flop makes another U-turn, as sure as night follows day.”

Tory MP Esther McVey added: “Does Sir Keir Starmer have a sincerely held consistent belief in anything? Today he no longer believes in scrapping tuition fees.” Jo Grady, University and College Union general secretary, said: “Keir Starmer repeatedly pledged to abolish the toxic system of tuition fees and in doing so was elected leader of the Labour Party.

“It is deeply disappoint­ing for him to now be reneging on that promise, a move which would condemn millions of future students to a life of debt. The country needs a publicly-funded higher education system.”

Sir Keir has already backtracke­d on a series of pledges including plans to increase income tax for the top five per cent of earners, ditch the universal credit benefit system and nationalis­e energy companies.

 ?? ?? Another U-turn…Sir Keir Starmer
Another U-turn…Sir Keir Starmer

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