Daily Express

Baby milk price hikes ‘devastatin­g’ families

- By Josie Clarke

THE soaring cost of formula milk is forcing families into “tough choices” to feed their babies, a shocking report has revealed.

Some 65% of women said they felt anxious or worried about the price of formula, which has risen by a quarter in two years.

The rise has had a “devastatin­g” effect, with some parents having to cut back on food for the rest of the household.


Some mothers harmed their own physical and mental wellbeing by trying to breastfeed more despite finding it painful, in an effort to cope with the rising costs, the survey found.

The cost of one tin of the cheapest formula milk is now greater than the £8.50 a week value of the Healthy Start voucher families receiving qualifying benefits can claim.

Mamia First Infant Milk (900g, Aldi), the cheapest infant formula on the market, increased from £6.99 to £9.39 over two years.

The British Pregnancy Advisory Service’s poll found 83% of respondent­s supported immediate measures to help with costs.

Clare Murphy, its chief executive, said: “Our report clearly shows the toll the current cost of formula is having on women and their families.

“For some women this was also compounded by a sense of guilt and shame around not breastfeed­ing. This must change.

“Supporting breastfeed­ing does not need to come at the, quite literal, expense of failing to tackle the issues of access to an affordable, consistent supply of formula milk.”

Mumsnet chief executive Justine Roberts said: “We hear frequently from parents who are struggling with the soaring cost of formula milk. It’s clear that alongside immediate practical measures to support parents who are struggling financiall­y, we need better infant feeding support across the board for new mums.”

 ?? ?? Worry...mums face ‘tough choices’
Worry...mums face ‘tough choices’

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