Daily Express

‘I didn’t kill Brianna but it was my knife’

- By Chris Riches

A BOY accused of the “frenzied” murder of transgende­r teen Brianna Ghey said his hunting knife was used to kill her but alleges his co-accused carried out the murder.

Brianna, 16, was stabbed with the knife 28 times in her head, neck, chest on February 11 this year.

Two teenagers, identified as boy Y and girl X, both now aged 16 but 15 at the time, deny murder and are blaming each other for Brianna’s death, a Manchester Crown Court jury heard. Neither can be named due to their ages.

Boy Y began giving his evidence on day 13 of the trial by typing his answers after being diagnosed with selective mutism disorder. He sat behind a desk in a side room of the court with his answers spoken by an intermedia­ry sitting beside him, and was watched by the jury via videolink. His words also appeared on a screen as they were typed.

Boy Y was asked by his barrister Richard Littler KC if he stabbed Brianna at Linear Park, Culcheth, a village near Warrington. He replied: “No.” Boy Y said he saw his co-accused doing the stabbing using his knife, which he said girl X had asked him to bring to the park. Mr Littler said: “Was there a plan to stab Brianna?” Boy Y replied: “Girl X had a plan to stab Brianna, I did not.”

He said he had not taken her plan seriously as she was “always talking about murder and nothing happens”.

Boy Y denied animosity towards Brianna because she was transgende­r.

He said he gave the knife to girl X before Brianna arrived in Culcheth and the three walked to the park.

Boy Y said: “I didn’t think she would try to seriously harm anyone.”

Jurors have heard that both defendants had a fascinatio­n with violence, torture and death and had discussed a “kill list” of children to harm and a “plan” on how to kill Brianna.

Boy Y claimed he was urinating by a tree in the park when he heard a “puncturing sound” and turned around to see X stabbing Brianna “at least three times”. Mr Littler asked: “When you saw that what did you do?” The boy said: “I stood still.”

Boy Y said that while leaving the park, the girl handed back the knife, which the jury has heard was found by police in his bedroom with his DNA on the handle and Brianna’s blood on the blade. The trial continues.

 ?? ?? Brutal murder... Brianna Ghey
Brutal murder... Brianna Ghey

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