Daily Express

Cost-of-Christmas crisis Savvy

Price of traditiona­l festive dinner rockets 50 per cent since 2013

- By Emily Braeger Consumer Editor

SHOPPERS will fork out 50% more for Christmas dinner this year than they did a decade ago as the cost-of-living crisis continues to bite.

The price of turkey and all the trimmings for eight people has jumped by half since 2013.

And soaring food price inflation over the last 12 months means the traditiona­l meal will set you back a whopping 13% – £3.72 – more than it did just one year ago.

Even if you are prepared to shop around for the cheapest options, Christmas dinner will cost £4.14 per head – up from £3.67 in 2022.

But 10 years ago the same meal would have cost just £2.72 per head, according to the annual survey by Good Housekeepi­ng magazine.

Consumer affairs director Emilie Martin said: “In 2013, you could have fed eight people for just under £22 – roughly two-thirds of the price you’ll pay today.”

She added: “This year, we’re seeing an increase in the cost of Christmas dinner roughly in line with food inflation.

“At a time of year when budgets are stretched anyway, any increase in the cost of feeding the family will be unwelcome. “But it’s a relief we haven’t seen the total cost of items in our Christmas basket rise as much as they did last year – when prices jumped by over a third.”

Of the food analysed, most was pricier than a year ago. Our table shows just how much more you will be paying this year compared with 2022.

With food inflation running at 10.1%, the survey results may not be a surprise – but the rising price of veg is completely crackers.

Carrots and sprouts have jumped by a staggering 158% and 150% respective­ly. Parsnips and potatoes cost 71% and 45% more than they did a year ago.

Experts blame soaring production costs and bad weather.

Meanwhile, turkey is up by 11% and stuffing costs 5% more than it did last year, according to the data collected from eight supermarke­ts.

Christmas cake costs 10% than it did last year and mince pie prices are up 15%.

However, there’s a tiny bit of good news for shoppers with a sweet tooth as Christmas pud prices are down, albeit by just 1%. Brandy butter and cranberry sauce cost the same as last Christmas.

Savvy shoppers will be hunting the best deals. Food and drink analyst Richard Caines, of Mintel, said: “Around a quarter of Brits are expecting to shop at more discount retailers this Christmas.”

 ?? Picture: GETTY ?? Eats up... nearly everything on the Xmas dinner table costs more than a year ago
Picture: GETTY Eats up... nearly everything on the Xmas dinner table costs more than a year ago
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