Daily Express

Israel: War will go on, with or without the world’s support

- By Mark Reynolds

ISRAEL has vowed to continue its war in Gaza regardless of internatio­nal support – as backing appeared to be waning in the face of bloodshed.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said his nation will “go to the end, to victory”.

His foreign minister added that the war would continue “with or without internatio­nal support”.

Eli Cohen said a ceasefire “at the current stage” would be a “gift to the terrorist organisati­on Hamas”.

Israel’s hard line came after President Joe Biden said it had most of the world’s backing but added: “They’re starting to lose that support by indiscrimi­nate bombing that takes place.”


Yesterday Foreign Secretary Lord Cameron also warned Israel to take stronger action to stop its settlers targeting Palestinia­ns. He said: “We are banning those responsibl­e for settler violence from entering the UK to make sure our country cannot be a home for people who commit these intimidati­ng acts.”

As the fighting continued, Israel claimed 70 Hamas fighters surrendere­d at a hospital in northern Gaza while arms were found during a raid by troops in Khan Younis in the South. At the same hospital, the Hamasrun health ministry accused Israel of blocking care, causing two to die. It also claimed Israeli air strikes killed at least 19 early yesterday in southern Gaza. Among the injured was a girl pictured at the Kuwaiti hospital in Rafah. Tens of thousands of people are in makeshift shelters or sleeping rough. Riham Jafari, of charity Action Aid, said: “As conditions become ever harsher, it is children who will suffer the most.”

Meanwhile, the Palestinia­n Red Crescent said the health system had “literally collapsed” with the few open hospitals overwhelme­d.

UN Palestinia­n refugee agency UNRWA, which has lost 130 staff in the conflict, warned its efforts are on the “verge of collapse”.

Hamas claims 18,608 have died since Israel began its campaign.

In Central London, the Royal Society of Arts apologised and launched a probe over an event supporting Israel at its building.

Pro-Palestinia­n protesters gathered outside the venue yesterday where Israeli ambassador Tzipi Hotovely was due to appear.

The arts body said it “neither condones nor endorses” the event held by an “external client” who did not disclose details in advance.

 ?? Picture: SAID KHATIB/AFP ?? Surrender…Palestinia­ns lay down arms. Inset, arms from Khan Younis
Picture: SAID KHATIB/AFP Surrender…Palestinia­ns lay down arms. Inset, arms from Khan Younis
 ?? ?? Despair…after Israel’s bombing of Rafah, where girl was hurt, below
Despair…after Israel’s bombing of Rafah, where girl was hurt, below
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