Daily Express

‘I thought girl would blame me,’ teen tells Brianna murder jury

- By Pat Hurst

A BOY accused of stabbing transgende­r teenager Brianna Ghey to death has told a court he thought his co-accused would put the blame on him.

Two 16-year-olds – identified only as girl X and boy Y – deny murdering Brianna, who was stabbed 28 times with a hunting knife on February 11. Boy Y has claimed that girl X began to stab Brianna, 16, while his back was turned. Girl X has said it was boy Y that carried out the attack.

Giving his evidence yesterday by typing on a keyboard in a side room, boy Y admitted he lied to police when he said he had never taken his hunting knife out with him.

He told Manchester Crown Court girl X asked him to bring the knife when they met Brianna at Linear Park, in Culcheth, near Warrington, Cheshire, and claimed he handed the knife to her.


He told the jury he got blood on his hands after going to check on Brianna, who was bleeding “everywhere”. He said girl X handed the weapon back and he took it home after they fled the scene.

Deanna Heer KC, prosecutin­g, asked boy Y: “Were you worried she might betray you...she might tell on you?” Y said: “Tell on me for doing what?” Ms Heer said: “For killing Brianna with her.”

The boy said: “But I did not. It was X who did that, so I thought she might blame me, not betray me in the way you said.”

Ms Heer said: “The truth is that you stabbed Brianna, didn’t you?” Boy Y replied: “No.”

The lawyer asked him: “Having seen girl X stab Brianna, were you frightened at all?”

Boy Y replied: “I do not know what the feeling of fear feels like physically.”

Y denied having any animosity towards Brianna because she was transgende­r.

Ms Heer asked: “Did you think that Brianna was somehow less important than you? Did you think that because she was transgende­r you were entitled to hurt her?” The boy replied: “No.”

Jurors were told Y has “gradually stopped speaking” to anyone apart from his mother, following his arrest.

They heard he had been diagnosed with selective mutism and autism spectrum disorder.The trial continues.

 ?? Picture: PA ?? Stabbed 28 times... Brianna Ghey, 16
Picture: PA Stabbed 28 times... Brianna Ghey, 16

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