Daily Express

‘There’s so much pain since the quake... we cry but no one hears’

- By Hanna Geissler PICTURES By Humphrey Nemar

MOURNERS carrying torches and flowers marched through Turkey’s earthquake-hit cities in the early hours of yesterday – the first anniversar­y of the disaster that claimed more than 50,000 lives.

Thousands took to the streets before sunrise, pausing for a minute’s silence at 4.17am – the exact time the first deadly 7.8 magnitude tremor struck.

On a foggy morning in Antakya, close to the Turkish-Syrian border, the Daily Express joined a stream of men, women, and children striding through the orange glow of streetligh­ts.

Some held hands or shed tears, while others walked stony-faced as they reflected on the horror that unfolded 12 months ago and how dramatical­ly their lives have changed since.

Nazan Korkmaz, 40, was among them. She said: “This one year has been like a thousand years for us. When the earthquake happened we were alone but now we are lots of people.”

Her breath misting the air, Asli Sahin, 35, added: “I cannot explain this pain at the moment. If I start to explain this pain, you will not have enough pages in your notebook to write it down.”

At 4.17am, the tragic parade paused on a bridge and silence descended, broken only by a cacophony of car horns blasting in the distance.

The mood was sombre with an undercurre­nt of anger.

Banners carried by the group’s leaders said “No one heard our voice” and vowed “We have not forgotten, we will not let you forget, we will not forgive.”

His voice booming from a stereo speaker, one man declared: “First we scream, then we cry, then we cry again.

And no one hears us.”

There are accusation­s that the Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s government is hiding the true death toll from the earthquake. At another nearby gathering attended by the city’s mayor, there were calls for the government to resign as crowds expressed fury with the pace of recovery and flow of support to this multicultu­ral region.

Walking the streets of Antakya in the daytime, the cause of their frustratio­n became apparent.

Although damaged buildings have been cleared in some areas, others – particular­ly the historic old town – appear almost unchanged.

Thousands of homeless survivors are housed in temporary containers as they try to rebuild their lives in the shadow of partially collapsed structures and among vast fields of rubble.

Shops, cafes and barber shops which are open for business are dotted among derelict buildings.

At a marketplac­e, we watched Azize Unal, 42, help customers pick out colourful produce from her stall, just yards from a building that looked as though it was cleaved in half.

She told us she must stay busy or the grief of losing two of her five children – her son, nine, and daughter, 22 – in the earthquake threatened to overwhelm her.

Azize said: “I’m getting psychologi­cal support now.

“I went to my children’s graves at night and dug at the dirt with my hands.

“I was asking ‘Is this a dream?’. My son came and asked what I was doing.”

The sorrowful mother moved west to Antalya for a while after the quake but said: “Our hearts were here”.


She wanted to be close to her children’s graves. She added: “I can’t see many changes in Antakya. Even the roads are still in bad condition. We don’t know what’s going to happen.

“Life will never be the same again because we lost so many loved ones.

“Even if we get new houses, we will not have the same happiness that we did.”

Many of the headstones in a cemetery on a hillside overlookin­g the city are new.

Among the older plots, there are clusters bearing the same date: February 6, 2023.

Seven members of one family are buried in a row, all killed by the earthquake. The youngest was just 11 years old.

At first glance, many of Antakya’s remaining buildings look too badly damaged to be lived in.

But on another half-destroyed street, opposite the shell of an apartment block, we spotted Mehmet Recep, 60, smoking on his half-collapsed balcony.

We called up to him and, in a classic display of Turkish hospitalit­y, he invited us to climb two floors and join him for chai and sweets.

The grandfathe­r of three described how the atmosphere has changed. “The difference is like black and white,” he said.

“There is so much sadness. Before, people were happy. We had a good life, the streets were cheerful.”

His son’s family are among lucky residents who have just been assigned one of the first of 7,000 new homes for survi

vors. Mehmet said he wants to see Antakya’s old town restored as a priority due to its important heritage.

It dates back to the Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman periods.

And work is ongoing to recover historical artefacts.

But experts have suggested the reconstruc­tion and restoratio­n of damaged structures could take a decade.


Mehmet is determined to stay in the city that has been his home for 45 years despite the inescapabl­e reminders of the devastatio­n wrought by nature.

His apartment was checked and deemed safe by constructi­on experts.

Mehmet added: “Many people like my son lost their homes, cars, everything.

“But the people have confidence that we will recover.

“Let the world hear my voice – we will never leave our town and our country.”

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 ?? ?? Brutal...four members of the same family buried at a cemetery close to Antakya
Brutal...four members of the same family buried at a cemetery close to Antakya
 ?? ?? Solemn... procession marks the anniversar­y. Below, child and father join in
Grief...Azize Unal, 42, lost two of her five children in disaster
Staying put...Mehmet Recep, right, on balcony
Solemn... procession marks the anniversar­y. Below, child and father join in Grief...Azize Unal, 42, lost two of her five children in disaster Staying put...Mehmet Recep, right, on balcony
 ?? ?? Desolate...reporter Hanna in Antakya
Desolate...reporter Hanna in Antakya

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