Daily Express

Sussexes ‘cashing in’ with new royal site

- By Emily Ferguson EMILY FERGUSON Express Digital Royal Editor

HARRY and Meghan have been slated for starting a new website using their royal title and crest.

Sussex.com site was launched on Monday evening, prompting critics to accuse them of cashing in a full four years after they quit the Firm.

But a source close to the couple stated that “Sussex is their name”.

They said: “Prince Harry and Meghan are the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

“That is a fact. It is their surname and family name.” But veteran royal commentato­r Richard Fitzwillia­ms said it clearly “emphasises the importance they place on their royal connection­s”.

He also questioned the launch timing, less than a week after Harry rushed back to the UK following the King’s cancer diagnosis.

Harry’s biographer Angela Levin accused the couple of “cashing in on their royal connection­s that they say they hate so much.

“Queen Elizabeth II would be furious because they promised they wouldn’t do that.

“They should be stopped from using a title that they spent years insulting.”

Harry, 39, and Meghan’s original website “sussex royal” was launched in January 2020 when they quit official duties and moved to California.

But the pair were not allowed to use it due to the inclusion of the royal moniker.

Instead, the pair launched a website under the name of their foundation, Archewell. This now goes direct to the new site, while Sussex-Royal signposts the new

FOUR years on from their decision to forge a new path in America, Harry and Meghan are yet to figure out what exactly they stand for.

They’ve been plagued by a chronic identity crisis, lurching from royal rebels to media moguls. It appears they are intent on rebranding again – clinging to their royal titles. Their new website, Sussex.com, hints the pair will focus on their charitable foundation, Archewell.

It states the Duke is focused on mental health, the environmen­t and the military, while his wife is a champion of human rights, gender equality and family care.

Power is often in the brand and Harry and Meghan have clearly concluded their future hinges on the Duke and Duchess of Sussex brand.

Will this be third time lucky?

It remains unclear, but let’s hope they’ve realised that criticisin­g the Royal Family does more harm than good.

one. Sussex.com is promised to be a “one-stop shop” for all the couple’s projects. In glowing biographie­s it claims they are as influentia­l leaders, charity champions and bestsellin­g authors.

It is thought the couple are unofficial­ly relaunchin­g their brand as they plot their careers four years on from Megxit.

Today they will head to Canada for the

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 ?? ?? Glowing biographie­s… Prince Harry and Meghan
Glowing biographie­s… Prince Harry and Meghan

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