Daily Express

Rogue firms hiring illegal migrants face record £45k in fines

- By Rob Freeman

RECORD fines will be dished out to those who employ or rent properties to illegal migrants as part of a fresh crackdown.

The civil penalty for hiring anyone without the right to work in the UK has now tripled from £15,000 to £45,000 per worker for a first breach, with a fine of £60,000 for repeat breaches – up from £20,000.

Landlords face increased penalties of £5,000 per lodger and £10,000 per occupier for a first breach – up from £80 and £1,000.

Repeat breaches have risen from £500 to £10,000 per lodger and from £3,000 to £20,000 per occupier.


Michael Tomlinson, minister for countering illegal migration, said: “We are making great strides in our work to dismantle the business model of the evil people smugglers.

“But rogue employers and landlords who willingly allow illegal migrants to work for them and rent their properties undermine our efforts.

“It’s an affront to honest, hard-working people who play by the rules.”

Home Office figures show more than 6,000 civil penalties have been issued to employers since the start of 2018, totalling £105million, with the first 11 months of 2023 bringing in £26million.

Fines for landlords topped £300,000 over the same period.

It is the first increase in such fines since 2014.

Mr Tomlinson added: “Illegal working enforcemen­t visits ramped up by nearly 70% last year.

“By robustly cracking down on those who facilitate these illegal practices, we are providing a vital deterrent against making dangerous and unnecessar­y journeys to the UK. “Carrying out the appropriat­e checks is simple and a legal requiremen­t. “There is no excuse and those who don’t will face these penalties.”

 ?? ?? Penalties... Mr Tomlinson
Penalties... Mr Tomlinson

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