Daily Express

Solo rower found dead in his cabin

- By Tara Fair

A DAD attempting to row solo 3,000 miles across the Atlantic has been found dead in his cabin.

Michael Holt, 54, had fended off a shark attack, lost an oar and battled strong winds before falling ill.

His family lost contact at 700 miles and CapeVerde rescue chiefs asked a fishing vessel to check on him.

Michael’s brother David said: “Of course this was not the ultimate conclusion we were looking for.


“But I am comforted knowing he died doing something he absolutely wanted to do with a passion, and managed to row in excess of 700 miles. An achievemen­t in itself.

“This is a huge shock to myself, his wife Lynne and daughter Scarlett and my parents, not to mention wider family and friends.”

Michael, who had type 1 diabetes, had told his family he was suffering from seasicknes­s in his final week.

He suspected it was a “bad reaction to taking some antibiotic­s” – he carried emergency medical supplies. The dad, from theWirral, left Gran Canaria on January 27 for Barbados but diverted towards CapeVerde when he fell ill. His death was announced on Sunday.

Before setting off in his ship Mynadd, Michael said he expected to row 16 hours a day and sleep for just four – with the voyage taking “between 50-110 days”.

His family and supporters posted updates of his adventure, including on February 15 when his boat was attacked by a 10ft shark.

They said: “The shark seemed to try and bite the rudder! Michael could hear and feel the commotion, and in his own words, ‘It sounded like the shark had a party with my rudder’. Michael took it all in his stride, and once the sharks left, he carried on rowing.”

The charity hero resorted to his emergency oar when he lost one – and was nearly knocked overboard by a wave. He had trained for two years, having fought back to fitness from surgery to rebuild both shoulders.

 ?? ?? Passion...tragic Michael was ill before family lost contact
Passion...tragic Michael was ill before family lost contact

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