Daily Express

More treated in hospitals for water-borne infections

- By Steph Spyro Environmen­t Editor

THE number of people admitted to hospital for water-borne diseases has skyrockete­d in just over a decade because of a rise in sewage spills.

Some 3,286 sought treatment in 2022-23, up from 2,085 in 2010-11, an analysis of NHS hospital statistics by Labour shows.

And campaigner­s have found high levels of E.coli along a stretch of the River Thames being used for today’s Oxbridge Boat Race.

The bacteria, which can cause serious infections, was discovered during testing by River Action and the Fulham Reach Boat Club between February 28 and March 26, using a World Health Organisati­on-verified E.coli analyser.

Hugo Tagholm, activist and ex-Surfers Against Sewage boss, said:

“Medical evidence shows the elevated risks and health impacts water users face. It’s time water companies are held to account to end the wave of sewage pollution threatenin­g public health once and for all.”

Last year 122 were diagnosed with leptospiro­sis or Weil’s disease, double the number in 2010.

One of the main causes is water

polluted with infected urine, which gets into the mouth, eyes or a cut.

Richard Benwell, boss of Wildlife and Countrysid­e Link, said: “Billions could be saved every year for the NHS by cleaning up filthy rivers, curbing air pollution, and bringing nature back to life.

“All parties should make big polluters pay and ensure water companies invest in nature recovery for the sake of public health.”

Labour has pledged to crack down. Shadow Environmen­t Secretary Steve

Reed said: “We will strengthen regulation so law-breaking water bosses face criminal charges, and give the regulator new powers to block the payment of any bonuses until water bosses have cleaned up their filth.”

The Government said it was “taking tough action” to hold water firms to account, including demanding record fast-tracked investment, ensuring a 100% monitoring of storm overflows, a quadruplin­g of inspection­s and a possible ban on water bosses’ bonuses for criminal breaches.

 ?? ?? Outflow…storm water pours on to Worthing’s beach in West Sussex
Outflow…storm water pours on to Worthing’s beach in West Sussex
 ?? ?? E.coli-ridden… Thames sample
E.coli-ridden… Thames sample

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