Daily Express

Sewage dump profits ‘wrong’

- By Steph Spyro Environmen­t Editor

THERE was “no justificat­ion” for water firms to profit from illegal sewage dumping, Steve Barclay insisted yesterday.

The Environmen­t Secretary warned fat cat bosses to take responsibi­lity and root it out.

Campaigner­s condemned the water industry when figures revealed storm overflows dumped sewage into rivers and seas for more than 3.6 million hours last year.

“This Government has been clear – a step change is needed to protect our waterways from sewage spills and we expect water companies to meet us swiftly in this ambition,” Mr Barclay said.


“The Government has spearheade­d significan­t monitoring action from the water sector in recent years – including fitting 100% of storm overflows with monitors.

“This data has lifted the lid on illegal discharges and allowed the Environmen­t Agency to take enforcemen­t action, and we are also quadruplin­g inspection­s on water company assets by the end of the financial year.

“There is simply no justificat­ion for anyone to profit from illegal behaviour and it’s time that water company bosses took responsibi­lity for rooting it out.”

Mr Barclay announced a ban on bonus payments to water company executives when criminal breaches have occurred, subject to a consultati­on.

Referring to reports that last week’s Oxford-Cambridge boat race was affected by pollution in the Thames, the Environmen­t Secretary said he shared “the anger and frustratio­n of members of the public”.

Bosses at Thames Water have admitted the firm could face emergency nationalis­ation after shareholde­rs refused it extra cash.

It is understood investors pulled a £500million deal after the water regulator Ofwat refused to bow to the firm’s demands including a 40% bill increase for customers.

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