Daily Express

Ballsy JK’s bold stand for women


JI LOVE JK Rowling. She’s a Boadicea for our time, fierce and furious, her weapons words and wit. Like the characters who cry “I am Spartacus” in the iconic film, she says she will echo the words of any woman arrested in Scotland for calling a man a man, no matter if he’s trans, and volunteer to be arrested alongside her.

I’m in awe of her passion and thank God for her courage. Because we need her. I never ever thought our proud country, so respected for free speech, tolerance and sheer common sense could fall into the gender madhouse we currently occupy.

Look, I have to explain here, although God knows it should be self-evident, that I have absolutely no objection to anyone’s choice of sexuality.

Live and let

live, let everyone conduct their lives in a way that makes them happy.

Dear God, there’s no need for prejudice or intoleranc­e against a person who chooses any lifestyle they want. But as a woman I will not be dismissed as a person with a cervix. Or an individual who chose to breastfeed.

I’m a woman and I’m proud of it because heaven knows we’ve had to fight hard enough to gain equality with men.And it’s absurd that we biological women are, in Scotland at least, now being threatened with prosecutio­n for stating the simple fact that we have XX chromosome­s, and men have XY.And it’s always us women who are the ones being accused of “hate crimes”.

We don’t hate anyone.We just want to be respected for being born with ovaries, a uterus and a vagina. Not always a pleasant physical experience; period pains, endometrio­sis, childbirth, menopause and hysterecto­mies.

We put up with it because it’s our biological destiny; not so we can look pretty in frocks or hair extensions. And we’re proud we can bear children.Why shouldn’t we be?

The prejudice against women now is absolutely extraordin­ary, and Scotland’s new Hate Crime Act is despicable.All JK’s doing is defending our right to be the biological sex we were born into.

And I really don’t give a stuff if some men feel happier living as women. Good for them. But please don’t threaten us, the ones born with wombs, if we respectful­ly point out that we matter too.

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