Daily Express

Shop gunman ‘wanted to be shot dead by police’

- By Pat Hurst

A GUNMAN who fired shots at a cinema, shop and house may have done it to die from “suicide by cop”, a court has heard.

Leslie Garrett, 49, who is facing a possible life term in prison, was due to be sentenced yesterday at Liverpool Crown Court but his case was adjourned until later this year.

It came after a psychiatri­c report suggested he may have been trying to take his life by being shot by armed police called to the scene.

This reason – his “basis of plea” on why he committed the offences and used in determinin­g his sentence – was rejected by prosecutor­s and queried by the judge after being given for the first time on the day of sentencing.

Garrett, who appeared via videolink from prison, targeted a newsagent’s in Norris Green, Liverpool, with further incidents outside the Showcase Cinema in Croxteth and at a nearby property in Malpas Road in January. No one was injured.

The defendant, of nearby Fazakerley, admitted possessing a firearm with intent to endanger life, two counts of possessing a firearm with intent to cause fear of violence, attempted robbery and possession of ammunition without a certificat­e.

The court heard Garrett was claiming he had agreed to mind an “item” for money then later discovered it was a gun and ammunition.

He said the real owner was arrested and remanded in custody so he held the items for longer than anticipate­d, causing him “stress and anxiety”. He claimed he was suffering poor mental health. He added: “I committed the offences with the wish to be killed by police attending the scene.”

Paul Lewis, defending, said Garrett’s “complicate­d and difficult mental health history” had become apparent after seeing forensic psychiatri­st Dr Inti Qurashi. The lawyer claimed he “opened up” about his motivation for the shooting spree.

Judge David Aubrey KC said, previously when asked for an explanatio­n, Garrett had said it was a “moment of madness” and “senseless”.

He suggested “suicide by cop” was Dr Qurashi’s suggestion.

David Birrell, prosecutin­g, added: “The motivation is the doctor’s interpreta­tion.”

Prosecutor­s will now order their own psychiatri­st to assess Garrett before a further hearing on June 6.

 ?? ??
 ?? ?? Blast...shotgun is fired in shop. Guilty, Leslie Garrett, above
Blast...shotgun is fired in shop. Guilty, Leslie Garrett, above
 ?? ?? Crime scene...an investigat­or at Croxteth cinema
Crime scene...an investigat­or at Croxteth cinema

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