Daily Express

Stop sending money to other countries


WHAT are HMRC up to at the moment? A friend of mine runs a small company and he is owed quite a bit of money by the tax authoritie­s. But they seem to think they can take as long as they want to pay it back to him. Does that mean UK Plc doesn’t have enough money left in the bank?

I can’t see any of our current politician­s sorting out the mess this nation is in. What is the answer? If we continue to borrow money at the rate we are, then the whole nation will become bankrupt.

We keep paying money out in foreign aid to other countries. We are just wasting, wasting, wasting. If we don’t start thinking about our own nation, particular­ly by supporting the small employers who are its backbone, then we will be in such terrible trouble.

Let’s stop sending money to nations that are doing better than we are. We just cannot go on like this. Wake up, for God’s sake.

■ CHRISTINE White, whose 91-year-old war veteran father, Jim Blackwood, was killed by an e-cyclist riding on the pavement, has said the Government has “failed to legislate to prevent these [e-bikes] becoming more of a menace”. Good on her. Apparently, the laws for prosecutio­n in these cases date back over 100 years. The longest prison sentence anyone can get is two years. Ridiculous! I know greenie fanatics are in favour of everybody cycling everywhere, but I’m not.

People who drive into big cities do so because they have to. Yet the prats working for the local authoritie­s keep blocking the roads with more and more cycle lanes.

More annoying are the bikes for hire that riders can abandon anywhere they like, and quite often are on pavements.

Many seem to be vandalised or end up dumped in a river. It appears to be perfectly acceptable to speed down the road at 15 miles an hour without any protective gear on at all.

These nutters ride their electric bikes and scooters on pavements, usually to the detriment of the elderly. The sooner this is controlled, the better. At the very least, electric bike or scooter riders should be registered with an official number and forced to wear a helmet.

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