Daily Express

Young people ‘caught in the middle of toxic gender debate’

- By Emily Braeger

CHILDREN have been bullied and vilified as they are trapped in the crossfire of the “exceptiona­lly toxic” debate over gender treatment, a major review has found.

Dr Hilary Cass, whose four-year 400-page report on gender identity services for children and young people is published today, says the issue is so volatile, medics are scared to discuss their views openly.

She also slammed the introducti­on of earlier-age medical interventi­ons, despite lack of evidence about their use and long-term effects.

Last night, PM Rishi Sunak praised her “expert” review, saying: “The wellbeing and health of children must come first.”


NHS England ordered the review in 2020 after the number of youngsters seeking medical gender help soared in the last decade.

In it, ex-consultant paediatric­ian Dr Cass urges health chiefs to rethink giving children masculinis­ing or feminising hormones from 16, and to show “extreme caution”.

Her final report comes less than a fortnight after the Gender Identity Developmen­t Service at Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust in London closed.

Two new hubs opened in the capital and the North.

NHS England has banned giving puberty blockers to children outside research trials – but 16-year-olds can still receive testostero­ne or oestrogen.

In her report, Dr Cass says: “I have been disappoint­ed by the lack of evidence on the long-term impact of taking hormones from an early age; research has let us all down, most importantl­y you.”

Referring to the “exceptiona­l” toxicity of the debate, she says clinicians’ expertise was at times “dismissed and invalidate­d”, while young people were “caught in the middle of a stormy social discourse”.

She adds: “There are few other areas of healthcare where profession­als are so afraid to openly discuss their views, where people are vilified on social media, and where name-calling echoes the worst bullying behaviour.”

Dr Cass warns a “more cautious approach” is needed for younger children on social transition­ing – changing pronouns, names and/or clothes. Mr Sunak said: “I welcome Dr Cass’s expert review, which urges treating these children, who often have complex needs, with great care and compassion.

“We simply do not know the long-term impacts of medical treatment or social transition­ing on them and we should therefore exercise extreme caution.

“We acted swiftly on Dr Cass’s interim report to make changes in schools and our NHS... and we will continue to ensure we take the right steps to protect young people.”

Helen Joyce, of charity Sex Matters, said: “It is a shameful day for NHS England, which for too long gave vulnerable children harmful treatments for which there was no evidence base.”

The NHS said: “We will set out a full implementa­tion plan following careful considerat­ion of this report.”

 ?? ?? Four-year probe ...Dr Hilary Cass
Four-year probe ...Dr Hilary Cass
 ?? ?? Closed...gender clinic at London’s Tavistock Centre in North London
Closed...gender clinic at London’s Tavistock Centre in North London

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