Daily Express

Juggernaut of trans ideology is depraved

- Leo McKinstry

THE advance of the extreme transgende­r creed has been a disaster on many fronts.Women’s rights have been crushed, scientific principles traduced and essential liberties curtailed. But perhaps the greatest damage has been done to the concept of childhood innocence.

A kind of collective madness has gripped our public institutio­ns, where submission to a twisted dogma has priority over the protection of vulnerable young people.

Future generation­s will regard this neurotic obsession with gender as one of the worst abuse scandals in modern history. In the name of inclusion, impression­able minds have been indoctrina­ted and healthy bodies mutilated. Our healthcare system rages against tobacco, yet supports the use of life-changing drugs like puberty blockers on transition­ing children.

We now have a morally inverted environmen­t where more respect is given to drag queens than parents, bogus notions like “non-binary” are treated with more reverence than biological realities, and school policies are dictated by unaccounta­ble pressure groups, such as Stonewall.

But the tide may finally be turning against this lunacy.

This week the long-awaited review by Dr Hillary Cass into NHS gender services condemned the doctrinair­e approach which put too many young people on a medical pathway, rather than offering therapeuti­c support. It can only be hoped Dr Cass’s report will herald a fresh start in the NHS, with clinical needs put above ideology. The supremacy of trans extremism has been a shameful episode, driven by the conviction­s of zealots and the cowardice of the authoritie­s.

Contrary to the pretence that this is another social justice cause, like women’s emancipati­on, militant transgende­rism is a more sinister force. Its darkness is reflected not only in the aggressive misogyny of some of its loudest advocates, but also its eagerness to exploit children, as typified by a tweet that Stonewall put out in July 2022: “Research suggests that children as young as two recognise their trans identity.”

Outrageous claims like that owe something to one of the most repellent figures in the modern study of human sexuality: the US-based psychologi­st John Money, who could be called the intellectu­al godfather of the “gender identity” cult.

It was his belief that our biological characteri­stics do not necessaril­y determine whether we are male or female, hence the idea of someone being “gender fluid” or “trapped in the wrong body”. Once described as a “charlatan, tireless self-promoter and intellectu­al fraud”, Money was a bisexual with a highly ambivalent attitude to paedophili­a.

IN 1967, having gained a reputation as an expert on gender disorders, he was contacted by the parents of a two-year-old boy, Bruce Reimer, whose penis had been irreparabl­y damaged in a botched operation. Money, who died in 2006, saw the chance to put some of his theories into action, particular­ly because Bruce had a twin brother who could act as the “control”. He proposed that Bruce be brought up as a girl, complete with the name Brenda and surgically created female genitalia. In 1972, when the brothers were seven, Money published an account, hailing the case as a tremendous success.

But the truth was different. Not told he had been born a boy, Brenda sensed something was badly wrong and became depressed.

His agony was exacerbate­d by the regular visits with Brian to Money’s clinic, where, bizarrely, they were stripped, shown pornograph­y and forced to imitate adult sexual intercours­e, often in front of a camera or an invited group. By the age of 14, Brenda was suicidal, so his parents revealed the truth. Immediatel­y he changed his name to David and demanded reconstruc­tive surgery.

Tragically, neither he nor his brother found any relief. Brian developed schizophre­nia and died from a drug overdose. David shot himself in a supermarke­t car park.

This tale is harrowing enough, but even more disturbing is the thought that a pervert like Money had such an influence over public policy.

The revolution must be halted and the cranks sidelined.

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Picture: NETFLIX

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