Daily Express

Fundamenta­list Islam has found new home here


THE favourite mantra of the woke political class, “diversity is our strength”, now sounds increasing­ly hollow, as social cohesion frays under pressure from mass immigratio­n and the failure by the state to promote real integratio­n.

That reality was spelled out in a report this week by the Henry Jackson Society, an anti-extremism think tank, which has conducted a major survey of Muslim attitudes in Britain.

Depressing­ly, the extensive study shows how a fundamenta­list version of Islam is in the ascendancy. No less than 46 per cent of respondent­s expressed their support for outlawed terror organisati­on Hamas, while the majority wanted a ban on any images of the Prophet Mohammed, and another third hoped to see the introducti­on of Sharia law in Britain.

Optimists are fond of placing their faith in education as the cure for social divisions, but in this case it is university graduates who tend to be the most hardline. There is now an increasing sense of sectarian dislocatio­n and patriarcha­l oppression in parts of our country.

In Iran, huge protests by brave women against the hijab, a symbol of the regime’s authoritar­ianism, continue – and since 1960, one of the squares in the centre of Baku, Azerbaijan’s capital, has been dominated by a monumental bronze statue entitled Liberty, which depicts a woman tearing off her veil.

So what is happening over here? In Sandwell in the West Midlands, a vast, brutalist sculpture has been erected that shows a woman wearing the Islamic headscarf. “The Strength of the Hijab” is the slogan on its base.

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