Daily Express

Perimenopa­usal women are 40% more likely to suffer from depression

- By Hanna Geissler Health Editor

PERIMENOPA­USAL women have a 40% higher risk of suffering depression, a study reveals.

Women are vulnerable in the runup to their periods stopping, say University College London experts.

The research examined seven studies involving 9,141 women from countries such as Australia, the US, China, Netherland­s and Switzerlan­d.

It concluded that perimenopa­usal women were “at a significan­tly higher risk for depressive symptoms and diagnoses” compared with premenopau­sal women.

Researcher­s did not find higher risk in post-menopausal women when compared with premenopau­sal individual­s.

The team pointed to the drop in oestrogen during menopause triggering new symptoms or making existing depression worse.

They said oestrogen

“has been found to affect the metabolism of neurotrans­mitters, all of which influence emotional states”.

Night sweats can also lead to sleep problems, which may also have an influence, though this is not conclusive, they added.

Depression has also been associated with the conditions in menopause, while other studies have said caring for ageing parents and children may be a contributo­r.

Lead author Yasmeen Badawy said: “Combining data from global studies indicates that these findings cannot be attributed to cultural factors or lifestyle changes alone.”

Senior author Dr Roopal Desai said: “This study shows women in the perimenopa­usal stage are much more likely to experience depression than either before or after this stage.

“Our findings emphasise the importance of acknowledg­ing that women in this life stage are more vulnerable to experienci­ng depression.

“It also underlines the need to provide support and screening for women to help address their mental health needs.”

In a previous study, the same researcher­s found mindfulnes­s and cognitive behavioura­l therapy could treat the non-physical menopause symptoms.

The correspond­ing author Professor Aimee Spector said: “We need greater awareness and support to ensure women receive appropriat­e help and care both medically, in the workplace and at home.”

The authors said their study, published in the Journal of Affective Disorders, was limited by being unable to account for whether the women had a previous history of depression.

 ?? ?? Bad night sweats… some have restless nights
Bad night sweats… some have restless nights
 ?? ?? Call for support...Roopal Desai said help is needed
Call for support...Roopal Desai said help is needed

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