Daily Express


Campaignin­g naturalist


ME, YOU, WE – that’s all of us – are at the most critical point in our Earth’s history. We are teetering on the edge, staring into an ecological abyss, into which one-by-one, our species, our habitats and our ecosystems are falling.

Yet, despite this knowledge, we are ambling ever closer to a point of no return – we all know there are tipping points beyond which our beautiful living world will not recover. The result would be catastroph­ic climate breakdown.

Life is hanging in the balance. All life. Including mine and yours. But even in our groups, our organisati­ons, we cannot win on our own.

There has never been a more pivotal point in history to come together in direct action for the wildlife we deeply love and fundamenta­lly need. The survival of all species depends on us now, at this precarious moment.


We have studied, practised and perfected a wonderful portfolio of conservati­on tools – and they work. We have hope. We can make the difference that counts but we need to do it now.

So let’s make a last stand for nature and do it with more guts and determinat­ion than we have ever summoned before. No more asking nicely, no more ambiguous petitions, no more counting “likes” on social media posts as if that will solve real problems.

Our elected representa­tives, current or aspiring, must see beyond their stint in parliament and focus on the survival of our planet.

I’ll be marching to Parliament on Saturday June 22, calling on our government to Restore Nature Now. Many of you may never have marched before – be one of us. We must fill the streets of London with our love and our rage.

So, whoever you are, whatever is on your T-shirt, your placard, we will be counted together to demand the restoratio­n of nature.

Side by side, what unites us is our strength. This is the time to stand up and shout above the noise. I’ll see you there.

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