Daily Express

Apply the brakes to lawless chain gangs


NEARLY two years ago, tragedy struck in London’s Regent’s Park, when a cyclist collided with a pedestrian, 81-year-old Hilda Griffiths, who later died. The cyclist, Brian Fitzgerald, was doing 29mph, while the speed limit in Regent’s Park is 20mph – but he can’t be prosecuted because the speed limit doesn’t apply to cyclists.

What utter and abject nonsense. Isn’t it about time that all cyclists were made to abide by the rules of the road?

When I was at university, cycling was the main form of transport for students – we were not allowed to have cars in the ancient city with its cobbled streets.

But the cycling we did was of the pushbike variety, with baskets on the front of the bike to carry our notebooks.

And I was once knocked down by a bike too but it was going so slowly I didn’t have much more than a grazed knee.

But these days, cyclists appear to have turned into Lycra-clad maniacs, not bothering at all with such trivialiti­es as traffic lights, zebra crossings and indeed speed limits.

Yet no one does a thing. Why are they allowed to get away with this? Nor are cyclists just a menace to pedestrian­s – they routinely put motorists at risk by swooping across lanes, which means car drivers have to slam on their brakes, which in turn risks a collision.

London has the most useless mayor in the world so there’s no point in hoping he’ll get a grip on this but these scenes are replicated across the land.

There is a real arrogance to these cyclists, members of the most entitled generation ever to have set foot on this earth. They seem to think the rules that the rest of us have to abide by don’t apply to them: the universe exists for their pleasure only and forget about everyone else. London’s roads have already become impossible due to the gigantic and largely empty cycle lanes that have been carved out of them – largely empty, that is, apart from when maniacs swoop past at reckless speeds – but that, apparently, isn’t enough. They need to take over the rest of the space too. Something should be done. Cyclists should have to apply for licences: they are no longer John Major’s caricature of old maids cycling through the mist, they are near-psychotic idiots with no regard for anyone else.

They should be made to obey the speed limit and red lights along with the rest of us, and failure to do so should result in imprisonme­nt and/ or hefty fines.

Life is tough at the moment for an awful lot of people and the last thing we need is risking an accident due to these selfish monsters. As matters stand, it’s getting dangerous just to step outside your front door.

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Email me at virginia.blackburn@reachplc.com
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Pictures: GETTY

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