Daily Express

A whole New World of wine awaits you...


GET great bang for your buck with some of the best New World wines. Producers in Chile, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand and Argentina are using traditiona­l techniques underpinne­d with hi-tech methods to turn out fabulously light, bright, refreshing – and good value – wines. Perfect for casual sipping or entertaini­ng, they’re easy to drink, and probably won’t be cluttering up your cupboards for years to come, so enjoy them while they’re fresh.The sunny and relatively reliable climates of NewWorld countries make a perfect Mediterran­ean-style environmen­t for growing grapes, especially in the lee of mountains and within reach of cool coastal breezes in the hotter countries.

According to the great wine critic Jancis Robinson, the New World was once seen as a slightly patronisin­g term for brash newcomers within winemaking.Yet during the last quarter of the 20th century, its share of global exports rose from three per cent to 23 per cent. So stick that in your pipe, Old World.

“The difference between the Old and NewWorlds of wine have been steadily eroded, as those in the Old World have increasing­ly adapted technical innovation and those in the New World are increasing­ly exposed to the better aspects of tradition,” writes Jancis, in her brilliant Oxford Companion To Wine (my must-have wine book recommenda­tion for anyone who occasional­ly finds themselves baffled).

Now even more global consumers are turning NewWorldwa­rds for great value and fresh, lighter flavours.They’re the perfect wines for summer barbecues.They won’t break the bank and are unlikely to let you down. Enjoy.

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