Daily Express


WIN £100


FOR YOUR CHANCE TO WIN £100 CASH read down the letters in the highlighte­d squares to reveal the mystery word


1 Feathers found before defeat are gloomy (8)

5 Very sad US soldier in cart, reversing (6)

10 An outing to Carl’s rearranged? Well done! (15)

11 Poorer north-east journalist gets one with hesitation (7)

12 Set meal possibly from a Mediterran­ean island (7)

13 Liberal creature returned book (8)

15 Type of film showing small fellow – one going round the Channel Islands (3-2)

18 Proper ceremony, say (5)

20 Activist, male one, left it with worker (8)

23 Sausage put aside – large and extremely oily (7)

25 Nightclub employee finding British ringleader carrying a small amount (7)

26 Easy profit making my poor donor feel upset (5,3,3,4)

27 Block boy getting fruit (6)

28 Act of retaliatio­n from salesperso­n beside river with one woman (8)


1 Respectabl­e man turning up with coin (6)

2 Pale, the German in Gateshead, roaming (9)

3 Religious man that is in pub is a hindrance (7)

4 Change some medical terminolog­y (5)

6 Unnerves with babies’ toys (7)

7 Mitten girls initially adore (5)

8 Comic set out to get make-up item (8)

9 Confused MP, so ill, left shoe (8)

14 Man right to put up with rubbish (8)

16 Harmless old copper with nothing is seen in pub with us (9)

17 Taken for granted, Penny began again (8)

19 Cry from huntsman with lanky youth initially given house (5-2)

21 Rumbling sound coming from first of teenagers, hot, below (7)

22 For eccentric, older, a difficult experience (6)

24 Poison concealed by seven ombudsmen (5)

25 Shattered and penniless (5)

TO ENTER: Call 0904 161 3700 (calls cost £1.50 plus your telephone company’s network access charge) and leave your answer and details, or text DXCRUS followed by a space, your answer, name and address details to 88833 (texts cost £1.50 plus your standard network rate). Lines close at midnight tonight. Or send your grid containing the answer in the shaded squares by posting it to: Crusader Crossword, May 18, PO Box 8694, Derby DE1 9TW. Entries must be postmarked by May 20 at the latest. For any postal enquiries, call helpline number. An extra day is given for postal entries during bank holidays. SP: Spoke – 0333 202 3390.

● One weekly winner will be the first random correct entry drawn from all entry routes after the closing date of midnight tonight. Competitio­n runs Sunday to Saturday. The Editor’s decision is final.

NEED HELP? Call 0904 161 1609 for 5 extra clues!

Calls cost £1.50 plus your telephone company’s network access charge.

Weekly Crusader Crossword Winner

28 April – 4 May: J Gabb-Cousins, Neath, West Glamorgan.

Please allow 30 days for prizes to arrive

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