Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine

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Playing Miranda Hart’s pushy mother in the hit sitcom has given Patricia Hodge a new army of fans. But then she had to meet the woman she’s been sending up so mercilessl­y...


Everywhere Patricia Hodge goes, people quote her giddy catchphras­e – ‘Such fun!’ – at her. It comes from her role as Miranda Hart’s pushy and downright embarrassi­ng mother, Penny, in the eponymous BBC2 sitcom – a runaway hit that has triumphed at the British Comedy Awards and is due to return for a third series later this year. ‘It makes me smile,’ says Patricia. ‘Except when they get it wrong and say, “What fun!” Now that’s irritating. I want to stop them and say, “No, it’s such fun! But I don’t really mind, because it’s all rather wonderful for me. To be able to make people laugh is like finding a bar of 24- carat gold at the end of the rainbow.’

Not many serious actresses with a CV like Patricia’s – who had cornered the market in playing upperclass ice-maidens – find themselves becoming a cult comedy figure at the age of 65. She’s worked with our biggest knighted theatre directors – Peter Hall, Nicholas Hytner and Trevor Nunn – and is about to open in a classic comedy, Dandy Dick. The show is in Brighton at the start of an eight-week tour and there are plans to transfer to London’s West End later this year. Then there’s her formidable list of TV dramas, ranging from doomed romantic novelist Mary Fisher in The Life And Loves Of A She-Devil and the title role in Jemima Shore Investigat­es, to young barrister Phyllida Erskine-Brown in John Mortimer’s Rumpole Of The Bailey.

But it’s as the eccentric Penny Hart, loosely based on Miranda’s real mother, Dee Hart-Dyke (‘the catchphras­e is hers, and some of the eccentrici­ties, but, unlike Penny, she’s definitely never wanted to marry me off or been disappoint­ed in me,’ Miranda has said) that Patricia has found herself elevated to national treasure status. She fell for the 6ft 1in comedienne’s self-deprecatin­g scripts, which she says made her laugh out loud, when the show was a fledgling comedy on Radio 2. Since the show transferre­d to television in 2009, Patricia says the most difficult thing has been keeping a straight face on set. ‘There have been appalling moments when we’ve had to stop recording because we’re all so convulsed in giggles none of us can utter a line. You have to crash through finding it funny yourself because it’s hard work making people laugh. Humour’s a very serious business.’

There’s no escaping the comparison­s between Patricia and Penny, though. When the cast went out for afternoon tea at a fashionabl­e London restaurant to celebrate Miranda’s birthday, all conversati­on stopped when Patricia picked up the teapot. ‘We wanted to see whether she did it the correct way – tea first, milk second – just as my TV mum would,’ recalled Miranda. ‘Then, when the scones arrived, everyone held their breath to see if she put the jam or the cream on first.’ Patricia herself was blissfully unaware she was being watched. ‘I just did things the way I always do them,’ she insists. Refreshmen­t, it seems, is important to the Miranda team. After the British Comedy Awards they all went back to Miranda’s place –

‘and toasted ourselves with cups of tea and chocolate creme eggs.’

Patricia is a huge fan of Miranda Hart. Even on the radio she was in awe of the magic she worked on the show’s studio audience ‘without all the physical stuff she does on TV’. Patricia reveals it was doing the role on radio that she learnt to ‘go with the madness of it all’. And on TV, she says, ‘It’s become like a rock concert with queues of people trying to get into the recordings. As soon as Miranda appears, they go mental. People fall off their seats laughing, so we have to stop filming. One woman became hysterical – almost ill with laughter. They had to ask her to keep it down a bit so we could carry on.’

Much has been made of the physical resemblanc­e between Miranda’s reallife posh mum and Patricia, who were once interviewe­d together by Miranda on TV. Patricia says she was a bit nervous meeting the real-life figure, but Dee herself was even more daunted. ‘Actually, she is a lovely woman. She’s modest, charming and not at all like I portray her. Apart from saying “Such fun!” and getting inordinate­ly excited about Christmas, of course.’

The nation was nearly denied the pleasure of seeing Patricia act. She initially wanted to be a ballet dancer but then, cast in a school play at 15 and thrilled by seeing Where The Rainbow Ends on the London stage, decided she wanted to be an actress instead. Her parents Eric and Marion ran Grimsby’s smart Royal Hotel near the port gates. ‘Every morning I’d be woken at 6am by the sound of the dockers’ clogs as they trudged past. After work, they’d come into the bar for a beer and sometimes there’d be terrible fights. Upstairs in the cocktail lounge, though, we’d get celebritie­s like Rolf Harris and Violet Carson [Coronation Street’s Ena Sharples]. And once Paul Jones [of the 60s band Manfred Mann] sat my sister on his knee.’

After boarding school, Patricia worked in a fish finger factory and later in a shoe shop in London’s Bond Street. ‘If a customer asked for a shoe size we didn’t have, we had to get a bigger size and hide a foam insole under the proper insole so it fitted.’ She qualified as a primary school teacher but the stage still beckoned and at 22 she took drama lessons. Her big break came in a play called Happy Yellow. One night playwright John Mortimer came in and decided she’d be perfect for Rumpole Of The Bailey. The series ran from 1978 to 1992 and made her famous. Then, in 2009, by then married to music publisher Peter Owen and with two teenage sons, she was asked to take her clothes off on stage, in Calendar Girls. ‘I had initial reservatio­ns, but we worked out a way of doing it that kept everyone within their comfort zone,’ she recalls.

There’s definitely no nudity in her new play, Dandy Dick. The play costars Nicholas Le Prevost as a country vicar, the Very Reverend Augustin Jedd, a pillar of Victorian respectabi­lity whose promise to contribute £1,000 to the renovation of the church steeple – together with a couple of spendthrif­t daughters – has left him in dire straits. Patricia steps in as his estranged sister Georgiana who, despite his religious distaste for gambling, encourages him to put his money on a horse, Dandy Dick. Mayhem ensues with romantic intrigue, mistaken identity and a runaway horse, and the play is packed with what Patricia calls ‘joyful characters with thoroughly recognisab­le frailties.’ Written in 1887, it was last revived in the West End in 1973, with Alastair Sim and Patricia Routledge.

After that, it’s back to TV for the new series of Miranda. ‘It’s going to be fun,’ she says. Such fun, surely? ‘Yes, even more than that. Terrific fun!’

Patrick Marmion Dandy Dick opens on 28 June. 0844 871 7650, www.atgtickets.com.

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Patricia with Miranda. Top: with Miranda’s real mother Dee. Left: with her Dandy Dick co-star Nicholas Le Prevost
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