Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine

Me and my school photo

Actor-turned-adventurer Charley, 45, lives with his wife Olivia and their two teenage daughters, Doone and Kinvara, in south-west London.

- Charley Boorman Peter Robertson www.charleyboo­rman.com. The book and DVD of Extreme Frontiers: Racing Across Canada are out now.

This photo was taken at Sibford School near Banbury in Oxfordshir­e in the summer of 1980, when I was nearing my 14th birthday. Guy Ritchie was a couple of years below me at Sibford but I didn’t know him well, so we haven’t kept in touch.

Both my parents Christel and John [director of films such as Deliveranc­e and Hope And Glory] were relaxed about education. But schooling was complicate­d for me because I’m quite heavily dyslexic. Half the time we lived in Ireland and half the time we lived wherever Dad was making a movie, so we spent a lot of time in the US, where they were much more advanced on dyslexia. When we travelled, I was taught by tutors. Then I went to a few schools in Ireland – St Gerard’s in Bray, St Kilian’s in Dublin and Sir Oliver Plunkett just outside the capital, which all specialise­d in dyslexia and helped me a lot.

Finally my parents sent me to Sibford, a mixed boarding school with about 600 kids and a large dyslexia department, for three years. I was apprehensi­ve about leaving home for the first time, and I remember on the first morning seeing a signpost to places like Burdrop and Chipping Norton and thinking I was in some alien world! School food was atrocious, particular­ly Sunday lunches, which comprised slivers of beef floating in water, with soggy carrots and potatoes.

On top of the normal school timetable, we dyslexic kids would have extra lessons, which gave me tremendous confidence in reading and writing. And we were always integrated. I didn’t like English or maths, and I sometimes used dyslexia as an excuse for not doing my homework. But I really enjoyed geography and metalwork. I made my mum a beautiful bracelet which went on display at school for a while, and that made me proud.

Back then I was massively into motorbikes and adventure, but mostly I was fascinated by girls. I had a few school romances; as it’s a mixed school, you learnt how to communicat­e with the opposite sex.

Sibford is a Quaker school, and each morning you’d sit in silence for 30 minutes or so. If somebody wanted to say something they’d be encouraged to stand up and speak. A lot of us enjoyed that because it helped clear your mind. Being a Quaker school, Sibford had a different kind of strictness. If you got into trouble, you’d have to write a letter to your parents to tell them what you’d done – I think I’d have preferred the cane! My housemaste­r once told my father I was very good at not getting caught. But a few of us were once found with cider we’d bought from the local pub. My housemaste­r insisted we shouldn’t be suspended or expelled, though, as the pub was also at fault for selling it to us. I always liked him for that, and for the advice he gave me, ‘Charley, walk fast and look busy, then no one will bother you!’

I’m still in touch with four of my schoolmate­s and I’ve been to the occasional school reunion. The food is a million times better now!

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