Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine

Jonathan Cainer


I often get letters from people who are worried about the state of the world. ‘Things,’ they say, ‘seem to be getting worse. You only have to turn on the news to see another dismal report.’ But the news doesn’t always accurately reflect the nature of the world. There are far more positives than negatives – yet inspiring stories are often only told to provide contrast with the tales of trouble that grab headlines. This week, as Pluto and Uranus edge towards yet another of their recent right angles... that contrast will become more apparent.

Aries Mar 21 - Apr 20

A tentative agreement has recently been reached. You are not sure whether you can rely on it. Will the deal be kept? Do you even want to honour it yourself? You are strongly inclined to look for other options. You suspect that if you hold out for a better arrangemen­t, you will be able to arrive at one. You rather fear that the current circumstan­ces may make it more difficult for the improvemen­t to come about. But that’s not the case. Stick with what you’ve got for now, it’s better than nothing and it will yet prove very helpful. Let me tell you more about some very exciting opportunit­ies available to you this week. Call your NEW four-minute, week-ahead prediction: 0906 751 5601.

Taurus Apr 21 - May 21

You no longer have to be so responsibl­e for something or someone. You can leave them to make their own decisions and even make their own mistakes. How will they ever learn if they don’t get a chance to discover the consequenc­es of their actions and their choices? How will you ever develop the art of letting go, if you keep on hanging on? A great loosening process is beginning to take place. Don’t let this unnerve you or cause you to feel insecure. Here comes a freedom you have needed and deserved for a long while. I really want to tell you about what else is starting to look so much better for you. Your inspiratio­nal NEW week-ahead forecast is ready. Call 0906 751 5602.


May 22 - Jun 22

Now that Jupiter is in your sign, you can start playing the game of life according to different rules. Not everything will go your way. You are not being blessed with unlimited power or good fortune. But you can definitely expect more than your usual share of such advantages. It is as if you are now embarking on a journey that will eventually take you to some truly wonderful places. You’ll be glad when you get there but you will also much enjoy the travelling. You need not consider yourself to be stuck by or trapped in anything. I’ve got more to say about the wonderful adventure that can bring such positive change to your life. Call your NEW week-ahead forecast: 0906 751 5603.

Cancer Jun 23 - Jul 23

Does the universe love you or hate you? Does it want only the best for you? Or is it secretly punishing you for some crime that you have no memory of committing? Sometimes, we can persuade ourselves that the world is against us. Or, worse, that we deserve things to go badly because we have made poor choices in the past. So let’s be clear. The cosmos is most definitely on your side. It is your friend. It wants only to help you – and this week, if you give it a chance, you will receive much assistance and support. Let me tell you more about the help and support on offer to you now. Your NEW week-ahead forecast is filled with useful advice. Call: 0906 751 5604.

Leo Jul 24 - Aug 23

You deserve a round of applause. You should be praised and congratula­ted, recognised, respected and revered. You have lately been doing some wonderful things. Rising to some tough challenges and making some very shrewd decisions. Yet you doubt yourself somehow. You think perhaps that you could have done better. Don’t waste your precious time and energy with such thoughts now. This week brings a triumphant developmen­t that will provide you with much reassuranc­e and inspiratio­n. I’d like to explain more about your secret potential for success. This week can be very powerful for you. Call your new week-ahead forecast: 0906 751 5605.

Virgo Aug 24 - Sep 23

Be tranquil. Be still. Be calm. No matter what’s upsetting you, ignore it. And as for what’s exciting you, well, try not to pay that too much attention, either. What you really need most of all now, is a degree of distance and detachment... a sense of perspectiv­e. You’ve got to ignore all that provokes a strong reaction within you and be guided only by your deepest wisdom. After considerin­g many difficult options and alternativ­es, you will come to one clear and correct conclusion. Everything will get better after that. I have more important advice about how you can get the best from your situation. Be inspired! Call your NEW fourminute, week-ahead forecast: 0906 751 5606.

Libra Sep 24 - Oct 23

The clock ticks on relentless­ly. Time passes for us all. Yet are we obliged to grow older? Actually, no, we are not! We just have to resolve to remain young at heart and then we can enjoy every moment safe in the knowledge that the longer we live on this planet, the more fun we will have. Is it really that simple? Well, oddly, in a strange way, yes! For you, this week, there’s a stark choice: allow yourself to be weighed down by a doubt, fear or conflict versus letting it all go and rising above all that threatens to upset you. I’d like to give you more important guidance. It will inspire you. Your NEW week-ahead, four-minute forecast is ready. To hear it, call: 0906 751 5607.

Scorpio Oct 24 - Nov 22

When we drive down the road, we see lights. Some tell us to stop, some tell us to go. We accept their instructio­ns. We know that it is for the best. Yet on the road of life, where are the signals? We wish we could see nice, clear, indication­s but they are not always so obvious. So allow me, this week, to read the celestial signboards for you. They say, ‘go’, ‘proceed’, ‘you have the right of way’. Don’t be belligeren­t – and keep your wits about you. And on no account should you now allow yourself to hold off, wait or wonder. If you want to see the clear route forward, I can help you find it. Your NEW week-ahead forecast is filled with inspiring advice. To hear it, call: 0906 751 5608.

Sagittariu­s Nov 23 - Dec 21

‘Once bitten, twice shy’. For many people, that’s a motto. If something doesn’t work, they don’t try it again. You don’t always learn your lessons so easily. You do things, they produce problems. So you think, ‘Perhaps if I go at it just a little differentl­y, I will get another result?’ Actually, sometimes, you do. Your ingenuity is impressive. Some don’t understand this and they criticise you for lacking common sense. But, this week, no matter how much trouble a situation has caused in the past, you can find a viable way forward. Let me tell you about what else can really work in your favour. You have lots of positive potential this week. Call your NEW week-ahead forecast: 0906 751 5609.

Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 20

What’s the rush? Why is someone in such a hurry? Is it truly essential that something happens before a particular moment has past? Or is this just a way of gaining power by applying pressure. Try not to get sucked into a drama that you really should stand back from. Don’t be uncooperat­ive. Avoid causing controvers­y. But, at the same time, keep your sense of perspectiv­e and be a little cautious of anyone who tries to suggest that if it doesn’t happen, right here, right now, it will somehow all be too late. Give me four minutes and I’ll tell you what else to look out for this week. There is helpful news available in your NEW week-ahead forecast. Call: 0906 751 5610.

Aquarius Jan 21 - Feb 19

We are all entitled to our secrets. We don’t have to tell everyone everything. Nor are others obliged to spill all their beans and reveal what they know. But, of course, when we suddenly find something out about someone, we feel surprised. Then we begin to wonder how much we can trust them. Try not to be too daunted by the discovery you make this week. You are about to be treated to a revelation that could yet prove highly profitable. It doesn’t necessaril­y mean that anyone has a dark agenda. Want me to tell you about the revelation­s you have in store this week? Empower yourself. Call your NEW four-minute, week-ahead prediction: 0906 751 5611.

Pisces Feb 20 - Mar 20

Astrologer­s like to paint Pisceans as easy-going, adaptable, open-minded, mellow and dreamy. I’m not sure how true that is. You can be deeply determined when you want to be and right now, you are on a mission. You hardly care what it takes – or what you have to sacrifice – or even who you might upset. Is your great goal really so important? Does it deserve such a high priority? Only you can decide that. But I’ll say this much. You don’t have to push a point to get what you are after. Relax and it will happen naturally. Let me tell you more about the gains you can make if you are smart this week. You can improve your life. Call your NEW week-ahead forecast: 0906 751 5612.

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