Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine

A-list avengers

For years they’ve kept their secrets to themselves. Now a host of legendary actors reveal what they REALLY thought about their monstrous co-stars


They’re acting legends who are still lending their talents to both stage and screen today after stellar careers that have spanned decades. Now Sir Michael Gambon, Dame Diana Rigg, Sir Ian McKellen and Claire Bloom are just some of the names who look back on their memories – and tell rarely heard tales – in a revealing new DVD about Britain’s finest post-war actors.

As Britain emerged from the austerity of the 50s and the worlds of television and cinema boomed, there was an explosion of dynamic acting talent, part of a new generation who began to redefine the performing arts as they graduated from repertory theatres, RADA and later the National Theatre establishe­d at the Old Vic in 1963 under the artistic direction of Laurence Olivier.

Olivier was a friend, mentor, employer and inspiratio­n to many of these stars, not least to Sir Michael Gambon, who he recruited for his new National Theatre Company. Their first production, Hamlet, starred Peter O’Toole, and Gambon recalls the first time he met him. ‘I was one of ten broad guys,’ recalls Michael, 72, ‘with a helmet and breast plate. Then I got a message asking me to go to Peter O’Toole’s dressing room. He was sitting in front of his mirror and he said, “Are you that idiot who grabs me when I jump into the grave with Ophelia? Well, you’re hurting my arm. You’re a rough, ignorant pig. If I was a different sort of bloke, I’d smack you. Now, lie on the floor and pretend to be me and I’ll teach you how to lift me.”

‘Then he told me to clear off, but I stopped to ask him if he enjoyed making Lawrence Of Arabia and he said, “No, I didn’t.” I was so terrified but still asked him, “Was it hot in the desert?” At which point he jumped up from his chair and threw me out. That was my only encounter with him.’

Dame Diana Rigg recalls how shooting to fame with her starring role as secret agent Emma Peel in the cult British 60s TV series The Avengers was overwhelmi­ng. ‘I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Suddenly I was working 12 to 14 hours a day, learning and delivering lines very quickly. Patrick Macnee, who played Steed, was charming and helpful but it was in at the deep end. I had a fight double but I did a lot of fighting. The hardest part was getting into make-up at 6.30am, screwing rollers in and having to be on the ball.

‘But I had no way of preparing myself for instant fame and the producers didn’t provide help. The week the show came out I was meeting my boyfriend at the Motor Show at Earls Court, so I pitched up and a huge crowd gathered around me. I fled to the lavatory and locked myself in as I simply couldn’t cope. The fan mail was huge and I had no secretary but I felt too guilty to throw it away so I got my mother to deal with it. She was very business-like with all these lovesick men. She’d write back saying, “My daughter’s too old for you. What you need is a good run round the block.”’

Rigg, 74, also tried her hand at musicals in the film adaptation of A Little Night Music in 1977 with Elizabeth Taylor. ‘My ambition was to cover all sides of the business. Elizabeth was ravishing and very nice but she was interminab­ly late. I had a corset pulled tight, a heavy costume and a heavy hat with a dead bird on top and I was sitting there getting more sour as the hours slipped by. She’d arrive around 11am, clutching a glass of orange juice that was not unfamiliar with the Smirnoff effect and you just wanted to slap her. She was a nice woman but indulged in every respect and didn’t really think of anybody else but herself.’

Claire Bloom, now 81, had a similarly off-putting experience with Liz Taylor in 1965 when she was reunited with her former lover Richard Burton – Claire had embarked on an affair with him 12 years earlier when she was 22 – on screen for the last time in The Spy Who Came In From The Cold. ‘Things had changed enormously. He was 40 by then and married to Elizabeth. He was very nervous of her thinking he was in any way interested in me, which he wasn’t,’ she recalls. ‘She’d sit on the steps and watch like a vulture and then there was this terrible voice, saying, “Richard!”, and he’d go running to her. The situation was difficult.

‘The other thing was that he’d really begun to drink. He’d always drunk but he began to show it so there was a slight trembling of hands until he got his first brandy in his coffee. He wasn’t the strong miner’s son I’d known. I had the best of him – I knew him when he was young and pure-hearted.’

It wasn’t just in the 50s and 60s that emotions ran high on set. Sir Ian McKellen, 73, reveals that he was so overcome with loneliness while playing the wizard Gandalf in The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, which is out now, he burst into tears. ‘I had to be filmed separately so I could appear taller than the hobbits and dwarves and I don’t like doing that. I just started crying because that isn’t what I came into the business to do,’ he says.

The DVD, which also features interviews with Sir Christophe­r Lee and Sir Derek Jacobi, is a fascinatin­g insight into a golden age of British theatre and film – and its temperamen­tal young stars. Or, in Sir Ian’s case, a temperamen­tal old one...

Lisa Sewards British Legends Of Stage And Screen is out now.

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(below, l-r) Richard Burton and Claire Bloom
on set for The Spy Who Came In
From The Cold, Michael Gambon
in 1965, and Peter O’Toole backstage on Hamlet in 1963
Diana Rigg as Emma Peel and (below, l-r) Richard Burton and Claire Bloom on set for The Spy Who Came In From The Cold, Michael Gambon in 1965, and Peter O’Toole backstage on Hamlet in 1963
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