Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine

Hom ework for grown-ups

Everything you learnt at school ... but can you remember?

- Who Am I? (from page 10) Comedienne Ruby Wax

1 If a packet of 72 baby wipes is priced at £1.30, how much does each sheet cost? a) 1.2p b) 1.3p c) 1.7p d) 1.8p 2 In 2012 Hilary Mantel became the first woman to win the Man Booker Prize twice. But what was her debut novel, published in 1985, entitled? a) Fludd b) Every Day Is Mother’s Day c) A Place Of Greater Safety d) A Change Of Climate

3 In Greek mythology, what fate was Sisyphus condemned to? a) To endlessly roll a boulder up a hill, only for it to fall back to the bottom b) To fall in love with his own reflection c) To stand under a tree, the fruits of which would forever evade his grasp d) None of the above 4 What was Superman’s original Kryptonite name? a) Al-El b) Al-Diouff c) Kal-El d) Elly-Kay

5 In medicine, the term ‘ fistula’ means what? a) A tear or rip b) A break or fracture c) An abnormal connection between two separate organs d) A form of treatment or therapy 6 When was the People’s Republic of China establishe­d? a) 1937 b) 1949 c) 1956 d) 1978 7 The Rugby Union team London Wasps play at which of the following grounds? a) Adams Park b) Welford Road c) Kingsholm d) Sixways Stadium 8 The Burning Of The Houses Of Parliament is a painting by which English artist? a) Paul Sandby b) Joshua Reynolds c) JMW Turner d) Gabriel Rossetti 9 What colour would red litmus paper turn if placed in sea water? a) Black b) Blue c) Green d) Yellow 10 If, in an Italian café, you were offered a cornetto, what would you be about to consume? a) An ice cream b) An aperitif c) A sandwich d) A croissant

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