Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine


After a 30-year Hollywood career, Kevin Bacon takes his first TV lead as a dysfunctio­nal FBI agent on the trail of not one serial killer, but a whole gang of them


yan Hardy is television’s most unlikely new hero. Invalided out of the FBI after being seriously wounded capturing a serial killer, he shambles around his New York apartment drinking vast amounts of vodka. Fitted with a pacemaker, his days as an ace crime fighter seem a distant memory... until he receives a phone call out of the blue ordering him back to work.

‘Joe Carroll, the serial killer he helped put behind bars years earlier, has escaped from jail after killing five guards, just days before he was due to be executed for the murder of 14 young women,’ explains Kevin Bacon, who plays Hardy in hardhittin­g (and not for the squeamish) new 15-part US drama The Following. ‘The FBI operatives on the scene in Virginia, Mike Weston and Jennifer Mason, see Ryan as the man to help recapture Carroll because of his deep knowledge of the monster. And so – with a serious hangover from the previous night – Ryan boards a helicopter and heads to Virginia.’

The Following initially appears to be a routine tale of good vs evil, FBI agent vs serial killer, with Ryan trying to track down the psychotic Carroll and put him back behind bars before he murders again. But a blood-curdling revelation part-way through the first episode takes the story to terrifying new levels and shows it’s not just Carroll – played by British actor James Purefoy – who poses an extreme danger to the public. The brilliant and charismati­c Carroll has set up a network of would-be serial killers who’ll follow his every command.

‘Carroll was given access to the internet in prison, and he wasn’t monitored,’ says Kevin. ‘Only after he escapes do the authoritie­s discover he’s been recruiting people to carry out the same kind of heinous crimes he commits, and also to help him carry out more himself. By having what he calls The Following – people who will help him, copy him and basically do whatever he tells them to do – Carroll has managed to get access to a world of potential killers and accomplice­s.’

After a 30-year career in movies, Kevin, 54, says he’d been eager to star in a big TV series. ‘I’d been thinking about it for a while because the conversati­ons I’d been having with friends were about the great programmes I’d been watching on TV, such as Game Of Thrones, Breaking Bad and The Killing, rather than the great movies I‘d been to see,’ says Kevin. ‘I realised I wanted to be in high- quality TV shows and once I’d thrown my hat into the ring, I read three or four brilliant scripts within a fortnight. The best of them was The Following. I knew I wanted to appear

in it within a few minutes of starting to read the script, it was that good.’

Kevin Williamson, the show’s creator and the man behind Dawson’s Creek and the Scream films, says, ‘It’s part-soap opera, part-horror show and part-police story. Although, at heart, it’s about a guy – Ryan Hardy – getting a second chance.’

‘He’s certainly no saint,’ explains Kevin Bacon, ‘but I think the public will have more sympathy with Ryan the longer the

SIX APPEAL The game Six Degrees Of Kevin Bacon, in which players link any actor to him using no more than five other actors, was based on Kevin’s claim that he’d worked with everyone in Hollywood.

show goes on, when the details of his private life, and his relationsh­ip with Joe Carroll’s ex-wife Claire and their son Joey, become clear.’

With its gripping action, high production values and unpredicta­ble plot twists, Kevin believes his first TV series has all the ingredient­s to build a very large following.

Tim Oglethorpe The Following starts on Tuesday at 10pm on Sky Atlantic.

(Shawn Ashmore)
Young, enthusiast­ic FBI agent who idolises Ryan Hardy for his work in tracking down Joe Carroll and sending him to prison the first time around. Hard-working and eager to please.
MIKE WESTON (Shawn Ashmore) Young, enthusiast­ic FBI agent who idolises Ryan Hardy for his work in tracking down Joe Carroll and sending him to prison the first time around. Hard-working and eager to please. JENNIFER MASON (Jeananne...
 ??  ?? RYAN HARDY
(Kevin Bacon)
Retired FBI agent and alcoholic brought out of retirement to track down serial killer Joe Carroll and his cohorts. Says Kevin, ‘Ryan’s definitely one of the good guys. Just – like most people – with a few flaws.’
RYAN HARDY (Kevin Bacon) Retired FBI agent and alcoholic brought out of retirement to track down serial killer Joe Carroll and his cohorts. Says Kevin, ‘Ryan’s definitely one of the good guys. Just – like most people – with a few flaws.’ JOE...

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