Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine

Beautiful bark? It has to be dogwood

With its shimmering stems in crimson and orange, cornus will brighten up the gloom until spring arrives, says Monty Don


The year 2012 disappeare­d in a sodden puddle, the UK’s second wettest year on record, and my own garden ended up flooded, muddied and thoroughly bedraggled. Under such conditions, it is hard for anything to look good, even if it does manage to keep its head above water and grow. But all the coloured barks literally shone in this wet. They loved it and were shown off to their best advantage. Well, it is an ill wind that does no plant no good.

The colour of bark can be the brightest and boldest thing in any garden, and is an important part of the gardener’s armoury to brighten the winter gloom until fresh flowers and new foliage can take centre stage. (Although this year, despite the wet, my snowdrops started flowering on Boxing Day.)

The bark on the previous season’s growth, sufficient­ly hardened to have a polished outer skin but pliable and young enough to shine brightly, is always the brightest but, as it gets older, like most of us, it thickens and dulls. This is why the best decorative barks to choose are those that respond most vigorously to pruning, throwing up a mass of long stems in their first spring, and why you must either prune some or all of the plant every year to stimulate this growth.

Now is too early to do this pruning – you would simply be removing the very best of their display – but it is a job you should do as soon as new foliage appears, usually mid-March here. Then you can either remove a third of the oldest growth of each plant, so that no growth is ever more than three years old with a steady replacemen­t of bright shoots, or you can be more radical and cut the entire shrub hard down to the ground, which will stimulate a fresh flush of new growth, all of which should be looking radiant the following January. The prunings, by the way, can be kept and used as plant supports, as they are very pliable and will soon be hidden by the emerging spring growth of herbaceous plants.

The native dogwood, Cornus sanguinea, has rich brown stems and purple, almost chocolate, autumn leaves but is seldom planted in gardens. The cultivated variety of the common dogwood, Cornus sanguinea ‘Winter Beauty’ or ‘Winter Flame’, has rich orange stems and wonderful deep purple autumn leaves. Much the bestknown dogwood, though, is Cornus alba, which has brilliant stems in shades of crimson. Plant three or four shrubs close together and the new whippy stems will grow up thicket-thick like a haze of intense coral.

All the varieties of Cornus alba grow in almost all conditions, but they are happiest in rich, slightly damp soil in full sun. They will grow perfectly well in shade but the colour never develops as brightly as those that get sunshine for at least half the day. I planted three or four new shrubs this autumn and all have been almost permanentl­y waterlogge­d since then, but I know that they will cope with this with aplomb. C. alba ‘Sibirica’ (sometimes called ‘Westonbirt’) doesn’t get too big and is therefore better suited to small gardens, but there are a number of Cornus alba varieties with red shoots, except Cornus alba ‘Kesselring­ii’, which has purple-black stems.

Cornus stolonifer­a ‘Flaviramea’ has shoots that are yellow ochre at the tips and mature to a rich olive green at their base. In my own garden it seems to produce much denser growth than Cornus alba and shimmers rather than glows. Shimmer or glow, these dogwoods all mix well together and all celebrate the fact that you don’t need flowers or foliage to have a brilliant midwinter display.

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