Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine


Birgitte Hjort Sorensen


Birgitte, 31, plays ambitious journalist Katrine Fonsmark in the award-winning Danish political drama Borgen. As the second series reaches a dramatic climax this weekend, she takes us behind the scenes in Copenhagen.


Katrine’s always looking for the next big story and in this series she’s been working as an investigat­ive reporter on a hard-hitting tabloid before going back to her original job in television news. When I was younger my plan was to be a journalist, so the research I’ve done for the role has been fascinatin­g. I followed a political correspond­ent around for the day and got to talk to spin doctors and politician­s about what life’s really like in Parliament. The research comes in handy for a scene today when I have to interview a politician live on TV and make it look believable.


We have a fun theme party tonight where we all come as other characters from the series. Borgen is a serious political drama so it’s good to have a little light relief. I contemplat­e going as Sarah Lund from The Killing but reckon this might be a bit confusing! Over drinks, we chat about how our fairly narrow Danish drama surprised us all by becoming a worldwide hit. There’s an assumption that we’re jealous of The Killing for getting global recognitio­n first, but we’re grateful to it for blazing a trail. However, I am jealous the Duchess of Cornwall visited their set last year!


I don’t want to give away too much about the ending but there are developmen­ts in Katrine’s love life. On screen I’m in an on-off relationsh­ip with spin doctor Kasper Juul, played by Pilou Asbaek. He’s a mate and we often tease each other. Today we had to stare into each other’s eyes for ages (right) and he missed his line.


It’s very confusing that my real name is the same as the lead character, Prime Minister Birgitte Nyborg, and the crew have taken to calling me by my screen name, Katrine, so they don’t get mixed up. Today I’m suddenly told I have an interview with a journalist visiting our specially built set in the centre of Copenhagen which replicates the parliament buildings. I know nothing about it, and am starting to panic as I’ve got a full day’s filming. It just says Birgitte on the schedule, and there are apologies all round when it transpires that it’s Sidse, who plays the PM, they want.


Thank goodness the final day’s filming sees Katrine slobbing out in a vest and sweatpants as it’s been a busy week. I’m usually in make-up by 6.30am and we work long days. Katrine’s very much a mood dresser – it’s either smart little suits or some old boyfriend’s boxer shorts, a T-shirt and no make-up. There’s nothing in between. That’s quite like me in many ways, but I have no illusions my sweatpants are going to become as iconic as Sofie Grabol’s sweaters in The Killing. I’m really proud of Borgen’s success – but I’m looking forward to a break now before we start shooting series three.

The last two episodes of Borgen are on tonight, 9pm, BBC4. The series two box set is out on Monday.

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