Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine

My Tiger Mum made me a roarıng success

Ken Hom reveals how his mother’s tough love spurred him on – and tells the moving tale of their battles with cancer

- Jenny Johnston

What did we Brits know about Chinese cooking before Ken Hom came along? It can’t have been much, considerin­g his vivid memories of holding bean sprouts up for the TV cameras, much in the manner of David Attenborou­gh showing off a rare and exotic life form.

Then there were his lessons on how to use a wok. ‘A what?’ we chorused, back in the dark ages. ‘Actually it wasn’t that far back,’ says the man himself. ‘It was only in the early 80s that people were asking me what a wok was. It’s astonishin­g when you consider that pretty much everyone has one now. It’s one of those basic pieces of kit that students are given when they first leave home. That shows how far things have come.’

Presumably his bank balance also shows how far things have come. To date, the man born into abject poverty and whose early culinary lessons came from watching his widowed mother find 102 ways to cook rice, has written more than 20 cookery books and sold a staggering 7 million of his own-branded woks in 59 countries across the world.

Ken was born in Tucson, Arizona, grew up in Chicago and studied in California. His Chinese-American GI father had met his mother on a trip back to China and brought her to the States, but he died of a heart attack when Ken was just eight months old. Ken now has homes in south-west France, Paris and Thailand and spends much of his time in Hong Kong. Next weekend, however, he’ll be in much chillier London to celebrate the Chinese New Year. Although his success has been internatio­nal, the UK holds a special place for Ken because it gave him his big break.

Cookery was initially just a way of funding his university studies in the 70s, with Ken giving lessons after a chance encounter with the wife of a congressma­n who asked him to teach her to make pasta. Soon, all her friends were demanding the same – and paying him £200 a pop for his expertise. ‘I thought I’d won the lottery,’ he says.

Then, in 1982 he met the Indian cookery writer Madhur Jaffrey at a party in New York, and she recommende­d him to the BBC. Within a year he’d been offered his own series, Ken Hom’s Chinese Cookery, and his phenomenal career was up and running. He returns to London every Chinese New Year because he says nowhere outside China does it better. ‘Every time I come back to the UK I learn something new because it’s such an exciting place in culinary terms. You can eat some of the best Chinese food in the world in London.’

How does the returning master feel about the number of so-called experts in the city, though? Back in his heyday there were only a smattering of big names teaching us how to get inventive in the kitchen. Now it’s a touch crowded on the celebrity chef chessboard. Is there still room for him in a world where we all know how to source root ginger?

‘I come from the same era as Madhur Jaffrey and Delia Smith – the old guard,’ he admits. ‘ But we’re still going strong, and I think the reason for that is that we’re not celebrity chefs. We’re teachers. So many people come into the industry because they want to be the next Gordon Ramsay. I don’t think that’s a route to longevity. You can’t simply do it because you want to be famous.’

Ken’s 63 now, but there isn’t much sign of him slowing down. He fizzes away as he describes a recent foray into the world of Japanese food. ‘It wasn’t something I knew anything about. I’d never been to Japan and had ambivalent feelings about the country because the Japanese had bombed my mother’s village in China during the war. But I was fascinated by what I saw and tasted.’

What he doesn’t spell out is why he was in Japan in the first place. The truth is it was a trip designed to save his life, rather than a noodle-researchin­g one. Nearly three years ago he was diagnosed with prostate cancer, and sought out what was then a revolution­ary new treatment involving blasts of atomic energy which was only administer­ed in Japan. ‘It’s more widespread now, because it’s so effective when the cancer is caught early, but at the time it wasn’t widely known. A friend in Bangkok introduced me to someone he thought I should talk to.’

The process involved 37 treatments over two months, but since they were only for a couple of minutes at a time it left a lot of time for exploring. ‘So I pretty much ate my way round Japan. My friends did laugh about the fact I’d turned cancer treatment into a wonderful holiday, but why not? It wasn’t a treatment that had awful side-effects. I wanted to make the most of every day.’

There was a very dark side to the trip, however. While he left Japan cancer-free, he also suffered a terrible personal loss. When his own cancer was diagnosed, back in Chicago his mother – then in her late 80s – was also battling the disease. It left Ken with a horrible dilemma. ‘I went to Japan without telling her I was ill. I didn’t want to add to her worries, but while I was there she started to deteriorat­e fast so I had an awful decision to make. Did I continue with the treatment, or abandon it and go to her? My family pleaded with me to have the treatment. She was in good hands. But it was very difficult. I never saw her again.’

He chats about eventually taking his mother’s ashes back to Hong Kong and making sure they were placed alongside her ancestors, which is very important in Chinese culture. ‘When I’m there I go and visit. She used to love the game of mah jong, and where she is now you can buy papier-mâché mah jong pieces – so I do and I burn them and I hope she has fun playing.’

He credits his mother, who worked in a food-labelling factory, with his success. ‘She gave me my Chinesenes­s. She never spoke English. She made sure I was immersed in our culture, and proud of it. She believed that the success of the child is a reflection


of the effort of the parent. You know the Tiger Mother phenomenon? It isn’t a modern invention. She never told me she was proud of me. She’d say, “You can do better”. It’s called tough love.’

Ying Fong was appalled that her son – who had started out working in his uncle’s restaurant at the age of 11 through economic necessity – wanted to cook for a living. ‘I’d been doing what I do quite successful­ly, but she’d still ask when I was going to get a “real job” like an architect or a dentist. It was only when Tony Blair invited me to cook at No 10 for guests at a banquet for the President of China in 1999 that she changed her tune. The photograph­s were in all the newspapers, including the Chinese ones. She said, “Oh, maybe you should stick to cooking after all.”’

When he hit the big time he was determined to free his mum from her hard life, and persuaded her to retire at the age of 50. ‘I would buy her tickets so she could visit relatives in Hong Kong. First-class tickets too, because I wanted her to travel in style. After one trip I discovered she’d downgraded them to economy and banked the rest of the money. I said, “Mum, I want you to go in style.” She said, “But I’m keeping it for you.” She never went too far from her roots.’

He says she probably never quite appreciate­d how much watching his mother make food ‘fun’ influenced his own career path. Once, he reveals, she eked out a piece of salt fish for a month when money was tight. ‘What she did with that one piece of fish was remarkable. And I never felt we were lacking anything.’

One of the ‘treats’ his mother used to serve up was the crust from the bottom of the rice pan, eaten like popcorn. ‘It’s still one of my favourite things to eat,’ he admits.

Sadly, his mother’s no longer there to share it with him. Ken Hom’s Oriental meals are available at Tesco. To find out how to host your own Chinese New Year celebratio­n, visit www.kenhom.co.uk. Jamie Oliver’s Chinese New Year feast is on pages 74-75.

 ??  ?? Ken today and (below) as a child with his mother
Ken today and (below) as a child with his mother
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 ??  ?? Ken in the 80s
Ken in the 80s

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