Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine


We are more than a month away from the next in the series of seven squares between Uranus and Pluto. The first was in June 2012. We’ve had two more since then and the fourth is in November. So why mention it now? Because the weeks just prior to an alignme

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Aries Mar 21 - Apr 20 You have natural resilience, an impressive ability to put up with the kind of pressure that others simply can’t cope with. This allows you to accomplish great things. But it also means that every so often you exhaust yourself. You’ve been through a lot lately. You now have good reason to be tired. But you will soon also find that you have a good reason to feel elated. Despite all that you find worrying both in your personal world and in the wider world too, life for you is about to get much easier this month. Even if you don’t usually call your in- depth phone forecast, you should hear the excellent news in your NEW October prediction. Call 0906 751 5601.

Taurus Apr 21 - May 21 Don’t look at where you have been. Never mind where you are going. Where are you right now? Look at your circumstan­ces in isolation. Forget what led you to them or where you would like them to lead you to. Now, either you are somewhere that is entirely untenable without an explanatio­n, a justificat­ion or even an aspiration... or you are somewhere that’s just fine, just as it is. If it’s the latter, why go any further? If it’s the former, why stay any longer? As you become clear and decisive this month, many problems will fade away. Please keep reading. Your in-depth, NEW October forecast could be one of the most rewarding phone calls you ever make. Dial 0906 751 5602.

Gemini May 22 - Jun 22 People believe what they want to believe, which is why they see only what they want to see. How then, can they ever be persuaded of anything? That’s easy. Just find out what it is that they want to believe and show them something that seems to support this – but also suits your purposes. Now you know the secret, here’s a question. Who has recently been subtly manipulati­ng you? This month, it’s time to look again at some of what’s been recently suggested. It could all mean something much more positive. Seize your chance to understand what’s happening in your horoscope and discover how to assure success in October. Call 0906 751 5603.

Cancer Jun 23 - Jul 23 A great deal is possible this month. You can allow yourself to be ambitious, adventurou­s and enthusiast­ic. You won’t find out how much you are capable of unless you try. If you do try and, despite your very best efforts, you run into some insurmount­able obstacle, you will still gain from making the attempt. You will shift something. You will open at least one locked door. That, in itself, will constitute highly worthwhile progress. And it will mean that your next attempt is far more likely to succeed. Just keep going. Please keep reading. I’ve taken a good look at your forecast for October and I have great things to tell you. For inspiratio­n call 0906 751 5604.

Leo Jul 24 - Aug 23 There are a hundred different roads you can go down. At least ninety-nine of these, though, lead nowhere that you would especially like to be. They look attractive only because your own path is now taking you through tricky territory. You’re starting to regret a particular choice; yet you always knew that it would not always be easy to stick to your plan. Diversions and distractio­ns will only lead you round in a circle. This month brings you a chance to see why you first made a commitment and then a real opportunit­y to renew this. October is the month you’ve been waiting for. Get the good news and learn what to guard against in your new four-minute forecast. Call 0906 751 5605.

Virgo Aug 24 - Sep 23 What’s the difference between stress and excitement? Enjoyment! If something is fun, it’s not a problem – no matter how busy it keeps you or how much energy it takes out of you. If something grates on you, it will tire you out and wear you down – even if it’s minor, momentary, imaginary or irrelevant. In your life now, there is an issue that seems daunting or a hurdle that seems insurmount­able. But this month, you are going to find a way to feel much happier about this situation and thus to become much more successful. I’ve got lots to tell you about October – and you’re going to like it. Do yourself a favour. Call your NEW, inspiratio­n-packed forecast: 0906 751 5606. Libra Sep 24 - Oct 23 ‘When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.’ So said Sherlock Holmes. You may not be a detective, but you are on the trail of a mystery – and this month, if you keep on asking the right questions, you’ll get answers that make proper sense. You face a perplexing dilemma. There’s no obvious easy way to solve a problem. But if you keep your wits about you, you’ll see a brilliant way to proceed. The impossible is... impossible. But the improbable? That’s more feasible than you think! Even if you don’t usually call your in-depth phone forecast, you should hear the excellent news in your NEW October prediction. Call 0906 751 5607.

Scorpio Oct 24 - Nov 22 A helpful conversati­on will soon do much to put your mind at rest. Someone knows something about the issue you are trying to resolve. The informatio­n is not secret, nor is it being deliberate­ly withheld. All you have to do is ask the appropriat­e question to the appropriat­e person. Or maybe, you don’t even have to go that far. It may well be sufficient, this month, merely to raise a particular topic. What ensues quite naturally and easily from a series of crucial conversati­ons will prove very useful and revealing. Please keep reading. Your in-depth, NEW October forecast could be one of the most rewarding phone calls you ever make. Dial 0906 751 5608.

Sagittariu­s Nov 23 - Dec 21 Do you seek enlightenm­ent? Here’s how to find it this month. Go straight past the door marked Doubt, along the Corridor of Confusion. Turn down the Hallway of Hope and then look out for the Revelation Room. Light shines brightly through the curtain that hangs in front of it. When you first go into it, you may need a while to adjust. Don’t be put off by the darkness. It’s very common to feel that you can see nothing just moments before you suddenly realise that actually, you can see almost everything! Have faith. Seize your chance to understand what’s happening in your horoscope and discover how to assure success in October. Call 0906 751 5609.

Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 20 There are battles to be fought this month. None of these, though, involve other people. They are inner struggles. Deeply personal conflicts between conscience and desire or fear and inspiratio­n. It is all too easy to be overwhelme­d by a negative impulse. If you suspect that the worst may be about to happen, do not let go for an instant of your belief in the best. As soon as you overcome the enemy within that seeks to undermine your sense of self-worth, you will conquer every other obstacle in your path. Please keep reading. I’ve taken a good look at your forecast for October and I have great things to tell you. For inspiratio­n call 0906 751 5610.

Aquarius Jan 21 - Feb 19 You have become conditione­d to compromise. You have cut your coat according to your cloth and have set your expectatio­ns reasonably. Usually now, you try to be practical. All this is very laudable, but it is not necessaril­y appropriat­e under the current cosmic climate. It is very important to indulge in far-fetched practices and explore some wildly ambitious dreams. There’s a genuine chance that, if you do this, some of these hopes and wishes will be fulfilled. Don’t play it too safe this month. Be honest about what you want. October is the month you’ve been waiting for. Get the good news and learn what to guard against in your new four-minute forecast. Call 0906 751 5611.

Pisces Feb 20 - Mar 20 What makes life truly worth living? What’s the best, highest, most wonderful thing a human can aspire to? And, how good does it have to get... and for how long? There are some who believe that if you can manage to spend just a minute of your life, in a state of deep and true enlightenm­ent, the richness of the experience will compensate for decades of darkness. There are others that say that one good idea can profit you for a decade. This month brings a rare and delightful reminder of just how good ‘good’ can get. I’ve got lots to tell you about October – and you’re going to like it. Do yourself a favour. Call your NEW, inspiratio­n-packed forecast: 0906 751 5612.

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