Daily Mail - Daily Mail Weekend Magazine

The horror of hate mail

TV ghost hunter Yvette Fielding tells how she fell foul of some very ‘nasty’ One Direction fans

- Nicole Lampert Most Haunted, Thursday, 10pm, Really.

Names drop from former Blue Peter star turned television ghost-hunter Yvette Fielding’s mouth like raindrops during a summer shower. There are the fans of her cult show Most Haunted such as Robbie Williams and Cheryl Fernandez-Versini, as well as her showbusine­ss pals like Paul O’Grady. And then there are the dead – Yvette says she’s ‘spoken’ to Oliver Cromwell and several well-known murderers. There’s one name, however, that makes her blanch – One Direction star Harry Styles.

Yvette, 47, has known Harry since he was a child. He was best friends with her son Will, now 22, and the singer in Will’s band White Eskimo, which Yvette manages. Will skived off school to support Harry at his X Factor audition in 2010, but that was pretty much the end of the friendship. Harry was sucked into the X Factor machine and regurgitat­ed as part of the world’s biggest boyband, leaving White Eskimo without a singer.

‘There was a falling out, but it’s water under the bridge,’ says Yvette. ‘Will’s happy for Harry and they now send each other the odd text. Harry’s happy to hear White Eskimo are doing well. Seeing Harry take off gave the boys the incentive to do well but they’ve never used their connection with him. We’ve just been to LA where they did a little tour and blew everyone’s socks off.’

The reason Yvette still shivers at Harry’s name isn’t because he left the band. A few years ago she was accused of making up a romance with Harry, who’s known to have a penchant for older women. A downmarket women’s magazine said she told them he’d been sending her lewd messages. But Yvette says that what she actually said was that over a family dinner with Harry and his mum they all played a game where they sent each other funny text messages.

She denied the story, as did Harry, but was bombarded with hate mail from One Direction fans. ‘Twelveyear-old girls can be really nasty,’ she sighs. Even more devastatin­g, her daughter Mary, then 12 herself, was bullied because of it. ‘I lost my faith in humans for a while,’ she says. ‘I would never have said it and it wasn’t true.’

Yvette, who found fame as Blue Peter’s youngest presenter at 18, has been wary of the press ever since. When we meet she’s accompanie­d by a publicist and her husband, cameraman and Most Haunted producer Karl. The pair, who met on medical documentar­y series City Hospital, came up with the idea for Most Haunted by chance. Yvette always believed in ghosts and some years earlier had seen one at her mother’s house. ‘One night I woke to see what looked like a soldier. I could see every detail from his chest up – there was nothing below. I screamed the place down. The next day I went to the library and found a soldier had thrown himself on the railway track at the bottom of the garden; his torso was chopped in half.’

Then five years later a cameraman friend mentioned he’d been filming in a priory in East Sussex and there were 13 ghosts there. ‘Karl and I looked at each other – something clicked,’ recalls Yvette. ‘We remortgage­d our house and spent our life savings making a pilot.’ To date, 18 series have been made and the show has been sold to more than 100 countries. And it really is the most extraordin­ary viewing. Mostly filmed with night-vision cameras, it features Yvette and the crew saying, ‘Did you hear that? Did you see that?’ and screaming their socks off.

For the current series the team spent time at the Dana, a Victorian jail in Shrewsbury. ‘At one point a crowbar appeared and came clanging down the stairs,’ says Yvette. ‘It went flying past me and actually clipped my ear.’

Apart from the screaming, Yvette says there is a serious purpose to the show. ‘One woman who’d just lost a friend said to me, “I’m not afraid of dying any more.” I think it’s comforting to know there is life after death.’

 ??  ?? Inset: Harry Styles (second from left) and Yvette’s son Will (far right) in White Eskimo
Inset: Harry Styles (second from left) and Yvette’s son Will (far right) in White Eskimo
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